PS4 Pro and Xbox One Scorpi

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10 comments, last by Gian-Reto 7 years, 8 months ago

I'm late to the party and have no PS4 or XBO so i think i will get both the Ps4 Pro and the XBO Scorpi. Time to go next gen :). Anyone have any good articles on checkerboard rendering? I need to read up what the fuzz is about :wub: page 44

They use a render-target of half width and half height (one quarter the pixels), with MSAA 2x enabled (so ends up being half the pixels).

Every second frame, they shift their projection matrix to the side by one pixel, so that the pixels that were 'missing' on the previous frame are rendered.

There's then a very fancy resolve shader that combines multiple frames together using per-pixel velocity data, to upscale that to a full resolution image.

They then combine it with TAA to get results that have even better quality than a regular full resolution image.


For me, PS4, and even worse XBox One were no-buys because they were just way to underpowered to drive my 1080p TV at 60 Hz in modern games. I have had to compromise on refresh rate and resolution enough on my PS3, I wouldn't do that again in 2013/14 when I had a PC that was running games at way higher settings at 1080p/60Hz stable already.

The fact that I am STILL waiting for compelling exclusive content to come out that could persuade me to even want to buy a console and not just check the Steam version if it for once is not a failed port and actually playable with Mouse+KB, or has good controller Support in Windows, is another nail in the coffin of getting a new console.

In the meantime, I have built a small HTPC from old Parts, and are enjoying Steam big picture mode with new PS4 Controllers. Buttery smooth 1080p/60Hz in all games, mostly good controller support in the games I care about. All with hardware from 2011 to 2013, though obviously costing me more overall than a console (GTX 670 alone was 500$ when I bought it 4 years ago)...

Now, I am still pretty pumped for the new console hardware. For one, I am a hardware junkie! I love new tech, even if I cannot afford or don't want to buy it.

But more importantly, those new consoles finally are reaching the powerlevel the PS4 / XBox One should have come out with in 2013! Its just about enough to ensure getting good framerates at Full HD in modern games without compromise, AND AA active. THAT is finally feeling like next gen after the resolution and framerate compromises, and missing AA of the PS3.

Even though I now own a HTPC that is about as powerful as the PS4, I am still tempted to get a PS4 Pro once this oh so important exclusive titles start coming out....

Which brings me to my main beef with the PS4: I have high hopes for Horizon Zero Dawn, its setting sound intriguing. Given gameplay lives up to my hopes, I might buy the system in the new year just for that (with the hope that we get some old favorites, like Soul Calibur, back to PS4). 500$ for a single game might be a waste of money and stupid but hell... I am a Playstation Fanboy. I will not buy crappy, outdated hardware not powerful enough to drive even Full HD screens without compromises, and I will not buy a console without GOOD exclusive titles I cannot just as well play on my HTPC for less money over Steam.

But give me at least ONE compelling reason to buy a Playstation with enough grunt to drive my TV at full speed and I will waste my money on it.

In this sense, PS4 Pro for me as a player was the first half of getting my trust in Sony as a gaming brand back. Now get those exclusives out, and stop wasting my time with Naughty dog nonsense. Yes, their games might be extremly good. I am not interested.

Bring back Soul Calibur, dammit!

I am slightly dissapointed by missing out on a UHD Blueray player... but then I don't have an UHD TV yet, nor do I want to invest in one until the HDR stuff has stabilized a bit (I guess the nits race is on, and I might be able to buy a 4000-5000 nits screen in two years dwarfing the 1000 nits peak brightness of current HDR screens)... So I don't need an UHD Blueray player at all.

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