A hand-picked list of the 8 BEST #UnityTips from this past week

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-1 comments, last by DevdogUnity 7 years, 7 months ago

Hey folks.

For the past months, we've been curating the best of the best Unity Tips each week, as they are shared on social media.

We hand-pick the best tips we find (and yes, we read every single one of them - sch... don't remind us we have no lives, okay?!) and throw them into a blog post, which we then share with all of our fellow game developers.

Here's a link to this week's curated list: http://devdog.io/blog/2016/09/8-best-unity-tips-for-game-developers-14

Hope you enjoy the read, and if you have any tips / comments, we're all ears too :)

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