Allocating object arrays

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0 comments, last by JaRoS 22 years, 5 months ago
It''s soo cool that you can allocate an entire array of pointer objects, but I have one question about the process. When you allocate just one object like this... balance *p; p = new balance; p->SomeFunctionIDidNotCreate(); delete p; return(true); it uses the arrow operator. However, if you allocate an array of objects like this... balance *p p = new balance [3]; p[0].SomeFunctionIDidNotCreate(); delete [] p; return(true); it uses the dot operator. I''m sure there is a valid reason, or is there? JaRoS
The variable "holding" an array _is_ a pointer. And conversely, a pointer is the base address of an array (with one element, usually, but C/C++ don''t do bounds checking)

In one case, you are accessing p, which is a pointer, in the second case, you are accessing p[0], which is the object pointed by p.

p[x] is equivalent to *(p+x)
so p[x].foo() is equivalent to (p+x)->foo()

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