ingame loading

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2 comments, last by Zeusel 22 years, 3 months ago
can i pause a glNewlist call! so i can draw... and later finish the list!
"be fair! ... always"Zeusel
I''m pretty sure that you can''t..

By the way.. the best way to do what you''re talking about.. ingame loading, and if you''re using display lists... store everything out to arrays and stuff first, then once it''s done loading, call the newlist and do the list all at once, and free your arrays.

will the player not see some frame rate drop? i thought to preload systems when in hyperspace, the only thing the cpu has to do is to load and send some glRotates, glTranslates, so there are enough ressources to use
"be fair! ... always"Zeusel

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