GBA Font Question

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3 comments, last by Aprosenf 21 years, 10 months ago
What''s the best way for using a font for the GBA such that you can print any text anywhere on the screen at any time? I know how you can do it in modes 3-5 (because you can just copy the data into memory). Is there any way to do it using a tiled mode? I thought about using a background for it, but then all of the text on the screen at once has to be printed aligned with an 8-pixel grid. Also, if I created 96 separate sprites for each character from '' '' to ''~'' (and the character after ''~''), then I would only have 32 left to work with. Does anyone have any ideas?
Well, you could use each letter as a tile on one of the BGs as you said, it''s not too much trouble, unless you really need more freedom. If you do then as you said again your other option is to us sprites. What I''ve found is that sometimes a game will put whole words on a sprite/tile like ''the'' and ''to'' and ''score'' and other words that are frequent or consistent from frame to frame, so that way with tiled text your letters can fit together as you please, and with sprite text you cut down on the number of sprites you''re using.

- outRider -
Create sprites only for the letters on the screen, and if you do like creating one for each letter as you wrote, how would you be able to use that letter twice?

Joakim Asplund
Joakim Asplund
If a letter appears twice you use 2 OBJs in OAM for it, but have them both reference the same bitmap data for the letter.

- outRider -
Hmm... Can you use overlap with the tiles? Otherwise I''d think that you might get some irregular spacing with letters like "l" or "i". I suppose you''ll use 8x4 tiles or something along those lines? Or is there a means to use irregular sized sprites?

Charles Galyon
Charles GalyonPresidentNeoPong Software, Inc.

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