A problem in choosing color depth

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0 comments, last by Civilian_E 22 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I found that when my program run in windowed mode, it will simply follow the Desktop color depth no matter what i set in the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR. Can anyone give me some hints on why this happens? Thx in advance.
Yeah... well... if you do not force another display mode with the ChangeDisplayMode() function, then the SetPixelFormat will only be able to use the current resolution (although that is not a problem in windowed OpenGL) and bpp.

Use the ChangeDisplayMode() function to change the bit depth and then try again... you will see that it does work then. One last hint... do not forget to change back into the original mode (pass NULL) before quitting the application or you will have changed the bitdepth for your desktop (which is an annoyance)

Hope this has helped

ICQ: 130925152
Email: e.j.folkertsma@student.utwente.nl
ICQ: 130925152Email: e.j.folkertsma@student.utwente.nl

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