Question about RGBA

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-1 comments, last by Goodlife 24 years, 2 months ago
Hi all... I''m doing my own lighting, like this: char light=255; long reallight=0xFF000000/(light<<16)/(light<<8)/light; Works nicely. But now I want to add specular light, which I do in the same way... it works fine too. Except when the light value of the vertex I''m lighting gets darker. Then the specular light starts to ''shine,'' because my light is 0 but my specular light is nonzero. I fixed this by making a lookup table for my specular light-- it''s 256x256 entries! One for each specular light, and one for each light value. Funny thing is, it doesn''t seem to slow down the program, but the old cycle-counter in me KNOWS it is. So I want a better solution! I thought I could modify the high byte of the specular light component (alpha value) to dim the specular automatically, like this: speclight=(light<<24)/(redligh<<16)/(greenlight<<8)/(bluelight); But... it doesn''t seem to work that way. Damn, because that would have been very easy. Problem is, I don''t know if it doesn''t work just because alpha doesn''t work that way, or if I have some alpha settings turned off. So, what''s the verdict? If I set an alpha value, is it supposed to ''dim'' the rest of it? If not, what''s it there for? Yours in expectant anticipation, Goodlife
-- Goodlife-----------------------------Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.--DirectX design team official motto

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