Modification of 0th and 255th Entry of Palette in Win2000

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-1 comments, last by arunvb 24 years, 2 months ago
I have written a bitmap loader function in DX7 in Win2000. I have a 256 color bitmap whose palette have White ( RGB(255,255,255) as the 0th entry and Black ( RGB(0,0,0)) as the 255th entry. But the entries 0 and 255 are predefined for black and white, quite the reverse of the palette of my bitmap and also some I read in "Inside DirectX" that some installations of Windows NT do not allow to change these entries and changing these entries may cause undesirable effects in some display cards. I used the flag DDSCAPS_8BIT / DDSCAPS_ALLOW256 when creating the palette, yet it doesnot change the 0th and 255th entries of the primary surface''s palette of that of the loaded bitmap. Does anyone have a clue on this ? Thanks for your help.

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