No more 360 for me :(

Published October 27, 2007
11 days.

That's how long it took my brand new 360 to get the red ring of death. A brand new 360 -- the $350.00 wireless bundled with Forza/Marvel UA. 11 days. What the fuck Microsoft?

I didn't even get to finish Bioshock (hell, I only played it like 4-5 times)!

So anyways I take it back to Best Buy tonight and stand in the horribly long customer service line, and the guy working asks me "So you want to go get another one?"


With some reluctance after thinking about the pending releases of Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect I utter "No, thanks. I'll take store credit." -- and thus is the story of me casting down Microsoft's poorly made mega-machine into the depths of red-ring hell.

As for the store credit, well, let's just say my DS library got *much* larger :D
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I still haven't bought one due to the ridiculously high failure rates. I was going to buy an Elite, but then found out Microsoft are getting rid of their old ZEPHYR motherboards in them - the ones that fail the most. If anyone wants one now they should look for the word FALCON written next to the ID code on the box. If anyone is willing to wait until the 2nd half of next year to get one then the JASPER motherboards come out with the smallr GPU on it. Sort it out Microsoft! dump your old stock like an E.T. game!

Left my PS3 on yesterday running the Ratchet & Clank demo while downloading the Folklore demo - it was on for 9 hours and is fine.
October 28, 2007 05:55 AM
It really sucks because I actually liked the system a lot -- there were a ton of games that I wanted to pick up and another batch of awesome games coming soon.

But supporting a faulty product by continually accepting replacements goes against my better judgement. In 6 months to a year, if all of the 'new' versions are stable and have an incredibly low failure rate, then I might pick one up again. That's assuming I don't pick up a PS3 by then as well, although that doesn't seem terribly likely at the moment.

So I guess for the immediate future I will just do most of gaming on my DS like I have been for the last year, save for TF2 on the PC.

How is the new Ratchet and Clank game, btw? It looks pretty awesome.
October 28, 2007 11:50 AM
It's a strange thing to say, but there is too much detail. There is too much going on for you to focus properly and the camera seems to have gone backwards since the last PS2 release. The demo doesn't show anything new, it's just same old Ratchet & Clank, which could be seen as a good thing.

I don't think I'll buy it until it goes Platinum, not worth full price if the full game is like the demo - you might as well pick up the PS2 version.
October 28, 2007 12:28 PM
Ah see that was just the initiation phase of the 360. I'm on #8 myself and this last one seems to be lasting.. although that could possibly be because I eventually just stopped turning it on.
October 29, 2007 10:11 AM
I bought my 360 about 6 mos after they came out and it is still working fine for me. Dumb luck, I guess.
October 29, 2007 01:23 PM
Quote:Original post by Saruman
Ah see that was just the initiation phase of the 360. I'm on #8 myself and this last one seems to be lasting.. although that could possibly be because I eventually just stopped turning it on.

Damn! 8? You definitely win some kind of award for perserverance. I think I'm just going to wait til next year, when I can be sure that I get one with the improved hardware.

@zer0wolf: Michael (upstairs) has had the same 360 since launch day. You guys make me sick! Ok, just jealous ;)

October 29, 2007 08:38 PM
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