Draw Snow with WASD

Published November 05, 2007
I took my event handler out a step and added drawing to the screen. I draw a 16x16 .bmp of snow I made in paint to the screen. You can move it around with the WASD keys. It leaves a trail like the spraypaint feature in paint. I guess the next step is to add a clearing function.

 #Setupimport sysimport osimport pygameimport randomimport mathfrom pygame.locals import *progpath = os.getcwd()+"/"keys=[False]*324snow_file_name = '\snow.bmp'def kill():    pygame.display.quit()    pygame.quit()    returndef load_image(name, colorkey=None):    fullname ='c:\Python24' + name    try:        image = pygame.image.load(fullname)    except pygame.error, message:        print 'Cannot load image:,%s', name        raise SystemExit, message    image = image.convert()    if colorkey is not None:        if colorkey is -1:            colorkey = image.get_at((0,0))        image.set_colorkey(colorkey, RLEACCEL)    print('hi')    return image #, image.get_rect()def main():    pygame.init()    pygame.font.init()    w=320.0    h=200.0    x=0    y=0    window = pygame.display.set_mode((int(w*2),int(h)))    pygame.display.set_caption("Trial")    screen = pygame.display.get_surface()    clock=pygame.time.Clock()    snow_surface = load_image(snow_file_name)    #Main loop    while True:        #Event handling        clock.tick(60)        for event in pygame.event.get():            if event.type==QUIT:                kill()                return            if event.type==KEYDOWN:                if event.key==K_ESCAPE:                    kill()                    return                keys[event.key]=True            elif event.type==KEYUP:                keys[event.key]=False                print event        if keys[K_w]:            y = y - 5            if y < 0:                y = 0                        if keys[K_s]:            y = y + 5            if y > 200:                y = 200        if keys[K_a]:            x = x - 5            if x < 0:                x = 0        if keys[K_d]:            x = x + 5            if x > 640:                x = 640                screen.blit(snow_surface, (x,y))         pygame.display.flip()         if __name__=="__main__": main()    

Definately need to clean it up and comment it better before I move on but I keep changing everything as I experiment (all the more reason to have good comments).

The next big step after screen clearing will be to have starting graphics on the screen stored in an array.

I want to do this with file loading instead of hard coding it into the program. It looks like file handling is really easy to do in Python.
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