
Published April 10, 2008
A character animating, just like I promised.

Unfortunately, the camera isn't quite working at the time, and there seems to be some nasty sampling issues going on with that sprite, but it shows that my entire actor infrastructure is up and running, which means that it's only a matter of time before I make the little guy respond to my mouse and we're off to the races.

Also, check out how the OS X screenshot utility doesn't even wait for v-sync. Cheeky little bugger.

More on this tomorrow. In the interim,
">prepare your minds for the horror that is unleashed.

Also, I want someone to buy me this Honda 600 with a Mazda 12A engine. It might be your only chance to kill me.
Quote:The seller, a stickler for the eBay Motors CAPS LOCK tradition, tells us "I GUESS I DON'T HAVE TO EXAGERATE WHEN I'M SAYING THAT THE CAR IS VERY FAST," and we tend to agree. In fact, we'd go a bit further and say that this setup wants to kill you, in one of those wrecks so grisly that the paramedics involved will be required to go on long-term psychological disability leave.
Quote:I'm going with the Mazda 12A with the Honda Toupee. This guy must have been on some powerful psychotropics to try and mate such disparate animals. I'd recommend not drinking anything offered when going to view the car.
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I keep wanting that screenshot to be animated. Therefore you should upload a video.

And why would you link that video? Why.
April 10, 2008 09:18 AM
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