
posted in dwn
Published February 21, 2009
I made first-round changes to my previously submitted article. Looks like it will be on GameDev! I really was not expecting much in the way of feedback, just a boolean, "That'll work", or, "Improve submission". What came back instead was an in-depth breakdown from Gaiiden [Rev: From the staff editor c/o Gaiiden] that helped me to communicate a few points more clearly.

Last week, all graphic functions in my library were reimplemented in 16-bit color mode, which is now the default color mode. The memory savings is substantial for this system, which can also diminish needless complexity and power on mobile devices. Mainly, 16-bit rendering will allow programs to be run on actual current real-world mobile devices, not just imaginary emulated ones. So what do I have to show for this work? Slightly less-detailed graphics! Oh well, cel shading is still the rage, right? A scheme might be added in the future to perform a little edge blur through dithering, but it is probably not needed.

Also, single-buffer graphics were dropped completely - a no-brainer - though I was proud of how much I'd managed to do with a single buffer, and had thought there might eventually be a way to perform some interesting VRAM minimization for specialized devices. For the script commands and for hardware specification, it seems better to predetermine what memory is available where and for what - hence only one available screen buffering mode.
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Just wanted to clarify that I simply passed along the comments from your editor, which wasn't me. Don't wanna hog all the credit [smile]
February 27, 2009 05:05 AM
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