posted in Journalgasm
Published October 06, 2004
Well it looks like I'll probably be dropping physics, as I only took it as I thought it would be interesting, but what a fool I am to think that interesting and physics would fit in the same sentence. Too much calculus makes my brain hurt. This should turn into a much greater amount of time I can spend on my game, as the only thing blocking it was the daily boring physics homework.

So about my game I'm planning, the only 2 details I'm going to release are it's going to be an RPGesque action game, which will go beyond the realms of sensemakingness. I'll post much more details once I finish up my file dialog, and figure out how I shall release my game.

Anyhow that's all for today(hopefully), so don't spend too my time pressing F5 waiting for my next post to appear.
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