Toy on a Mission UE4 Remix - Day 174

Published May 06, 2016

Hello again, And welcome to this week's Journal entry.

I don't seam to have done much this week, Again <_<

But I have started working on a prototype level(Another one anyway), And yes I am supposed to be cleaning up the existing three levels.
But I am approaching this one differently, I am using doors to create blocks giving the player a reason to go to different directions in search of the keys and other stuff along the way.

I want to create different arrow decals to point the player to certain types of objects: CubeKeys, Points, Powerups, Whatever.

Next week's plan:

  • Finish the (new) prototype level.
  • Add sound effects to the powerups.
  • Create textures/materials for the powerups.
  • Workout why the player looks like he is moving though molasses with the reduced Drop impulse.

And here is a picture of the prototype level:
As you can see: I have created a new texture that I am using for some of the meshes.

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