Die Skeleton!

Published September 01, 2016

Well - not quite yet. There is no such thing as damage or death implemented yet - and also the skeletons have no AI except for picking a random point on the map, finding a path, then walking to it.

Still it's more than what I had a week ago, and development is progressing steadily.

Right now I'm working on the basics of how I want my stats to work and I just made the base of a layer-based stat representation. I really want to get to the point fast where I can actually damage and kill the skeletons but at the same time I want to do things properly without cutting too many corners. Unfinished work is ok but I want most of my code to form a healthy base on which I can continue building.

Next stop should be damage mechanics - but at the same time I really want to get started laying a base for data driven entity definition.
Once I have monster/class definition files down and as soon as I have killed my first skeleton I will move on to AI and try to build a simple AI behaviour tree.

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It always helps to have a map of you build design. Even if it is crazy rough, because it allows you to think about how different systems interact with each other.

September 14, 2016 05:17 AM
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