Y'all ever just get wayyyy to distracted time n time again?

Published November 17, 2018

Like legit though! I got that recent Humble Bundle deal with all them pretty pictures and things and I'm just in RPG mode right now ? I usually live stream some video games like Destiny or Dark Souls or whatever but I even abandoned that and spent 5 hours messing around with some new assets. Still streamed though, just of pc instead of ps4.. That's the important bit. I'm liking the attempt of an RPG because I don't know how to do it 100%.. Like a tower defense or space shooter or platformer, i've done those many times over.. I spent maybe 2 hours figuring out why my collision box wasn't triggering on a wall piece and preventing movement. Got it in the end though! That's also the important bit. Being able to figure it out. I'd hate to just watch a tutorial and follow it and be done with it like now I know things that I technically should have already known like the size of my sprite really matters because obviously my bounding box + my collision range is what's used. And I knew the second part but any other tutorials that may have been followed back in the day, they've got their sprites sorted so you just import sprPlayer and its already the right size... I'd have never got that little piece of information by just blinding following a tutorial. Plus I'd never wanna release anything for 'me' if it was made solely with a tutorial. 


But yeah, my tower defense is still waiting on a few pieces so that's just in limbo right now, The space shooter got paused due to getting all these assets so I'm now messing around with RPG stuff and there's fairly 'simple' things that would just be the same as other games anyway, like moving to a room, the code/command for that is obviously the same and you just alter the condition. Ding! Winner! lol but yeah I feel like I'm making a 'proper' game when I'm spending a really long time making a level knowing full well I've got to spend many many more hours on all the other levels. 

I'm basing my thought process there on the fact that I've mostly just been making games that run themselves once you've built the first part. Tower Defense that never ends (with 1 map/level), Space Shooter that infinitely Scrolls and/or Big Space Boss fight type stuff.. 

Although, I am on the hunt for a 'proper' solid wall collision method as I think several thousand objects called objSolid or objWall or objWhatever is ultimately going to slow the game/break stuff? I mean games can have like thousands if not millions of things in them though maybe? I'm just worried that I'm going to end up spending 10+ hours placing down thousands of objects and adjusting them and testing them and then find out that you can just use code like ""blah blah billy bob wrote this"" and that will check the type of tile or something you know?


I was reading one method where someone talked about making a type of an array made as a grid for your entire map/screen that counted (and then destroyed) each instance of your wall and gave the wall tiles on the grid a value of 1 so you'd not have to worry about thousands of objects cluttering the place BUT you still need to insert them and test them... I'm thinking that is just 'a part of the process' though really. Like I don't want to take lots of shortcuts, I'm just currently not in the mindframe of spending hours doing 1 task like adding all the wall objects on top of the soon to be 'wall tiles' so I think a bit of personal adjustment is required really. I just want to make sure that this is what people really do. If it is then I'd be happy to just get on with it... 

Heh, look at that! Attempting to join the level designer guild ;) which reminds me. I need to go learn how to make 'cool levels' in an RPG!!! I can make a house but where does it go? Hmmmm49020701_Screenshot(3354).thumb.png.397e6b5086e0185a7b90ede366fd9ec8.png



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Nice house this has made me consider maybe making a 2d rpg next rather than whatever I had in my mind.

November 17, 2018 10:26 PM

Hmm what DID you have in mind though? ;) I like the idea of making an RPG, I'm just a bit stumped atm :P 

November 17, 2018 10:34 PM
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