This year started rough!

posted in 2021
Published January 19, 2021

1970 huh! I like it.

We all have that sort of “wall” that we hit right? I hit mine about 2 years ago and then 2020 happened as well… Every now and then “Oh I'll continue soon!” yeahhh.. But this year is different. Well, It isn't. 19 days in and I'm doing my day 2 stuff! Crazy.

If nobody ever reads this, that is okay with me. I don't really have any sort of knowledge to share with you right now. Just this trick which I am sure I did NOT invent. I am writing this out and even calling it a “Roadmap” (see below) so there is a piece on the internet that will be attached to my name so that means I must do something about it? Right? !! Maybe.


●Hot Diggity Dinos

I have this sweet sweet obession with Idle games so I started to work on one. And never ever finished it! I actually forgot it existed until I recently looked at Gamejolt and realised the shame that I had setup a test playable html build - just to see how that works - and I never took it down. How bad must that have looked.

“It will start off simple, I haven’t hashed out the details just yet… Click and egg, Dinosaur is hatched, repeat,, then what>??? Hmmmmm… Some form of upgrades, different egg designs, different dinosaurs, collecting dinosaurs, ultimately ending in a giant meteorite which could serve as the ‘reset’ function… I dunno… ”

This is what I wrote about it like 2 years ago. I actually put this together whilst waiting for an artist to finish some pieces for the 3NDL3ZZ: Base Defense game I was working on so I remember that too would have made me forget about it…


I have a good friend who basically is a ridiculously cool skilled writer. I am not so skilled as you might notice. We both are big fans of RPGs and specifically Final Fantasy games… so we'll make those one day. Just you know, has to be something different.. something “better” or well at least “something worth playing” and maybe paying for. Maybe.. I'd be happy to release for free.

●Rage Chicken

There is an idea revolving around the Frogger Game Dev challenge 2 years ago.. I made “crazy chicken” just a basic, really basic, attempt so that I could “join in” with the cool kids! And ever since then, my good friend has opted into letting me know how good of an idea “Rage Chicken” is going to be.. We've discussed it at length and I have - only recently - actually found what I believe to be every piece I need to make the game… So this year… this year… We'll see.

●3NDL3ZZ: Jumper

This one is kinda cheating, I might be paying someone to put some assets together for me… Shhh. I just wanted to see how “hiring” people can help or hinder. It hinders, a lot, sometimes..

●3NDL3ZZ: Base Defense

Not to slander or say anything bad… The artist that did the assets for the game, we parted ways shortly after “completion”. There was more we wanted but I don't think he was so interested. It happens but nowww I've met someone and they're really eager and interested so I've taken that chance to try and push forward so of the 2 year old ideas to get more Ooomph into that game. It was never completed and I never wanted to talk about it or Tower Defense games ever again! But I am better now. I'm so weird - rolling eyes - ….

●Game Dev Challenges

I have made a special whatever this is for Game Dev Challenges just in case we get a new one from here because I think that's a great activity and since I am starting to regrow my team and community again… These could make for some bonding exercises! (Tempted to actually just do an old one as a bonding team building thing anyway)

●Lyfe's Memory Consider

●Crazy Chicken Consider

These two, well the first one is “done”, Once upon a time, long long ago, I was trying to find how to do “Match 3” and I found a tutorial that taught me how to do Memory Match… Not at all what I wanted but I did it, I made a little mock up and my friend gave me a little idea for it.. maybe we could execute on that idea but its super low on the list.

I might also like to update that Crazy Chicken version from the Game Dev challenges.. But that is more because I can't let stuff go and I want to “perfect” things so little bits iff me off there.


This wasn't a thing when I first wanted to write a post again here. But this caused my delay. Someone maybe used words like “considering” and “investing” and we've had some cool talks and I'm totally going off the rails at the idea that I might have that financial assistance to properly hire an art person or two. Because that's where most of the money goes apparently. Well, I'm a programmer so I don't exactly need to hire one of me unless I just wanted to.. Like 3NDL3ZZ: Jumper.. I have art assets, Had some spare money at the time, “give it a go” my brain said.. I could totally make it myself, Not to mock anyone's abilities but its not about a test of abilities.. I can learn how to hire someone.. Sounds silly.

Top Secret Project though.. May or May not be working on something big this year and this whole post has been a waste of time. Thank you! I'll be here all week. Although I won't.. I'll probably log in again in spring 2024 ! Nah. I'm making this year a good one!!

Also.. a p.s maybe: Discord -​ Would anyone like to “team up” ? Maybe nothing happens, maybe just chat, chill out! We have a “lounge” :P I'm sure lots of server do. Good day.

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Martha Simons

Happy New Year ?

Hopefully the new year 2021 won't be as tricky as 2020

January 27, 2021 09:09 AM

@Martha Simons happy new year ??

I hope it'll be a good year! Have you got any plans coming up??

January 31, 2021 03:42 PM
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