Project One Day - Update #7

posted in kseh's blog for project One Day
Published August 02, 2019

Got a video to show today. And it seems that I have almost reached the extent that I have had a kind of plan for. Still need to do some graphics work on Bianca and also need an animation for when the cat is eating. With those done I would have the bare minimum that I have been wanting to include in this scene and could move on to the second scene that starts after the movie has completed. I don't know what the transition to that scene is going to end up looking like and I only have some basic dialogue worked out. In the second scene, the couple is getting ready for bed but realize that the babies are indeed going to be born today and it is time to go to the hospital.

That's not to say that this first scene is perfect. There's a lot of furnishings that are still needed and I should try to figure out something so that Fred doesn't get stuck behind the cat or occasionally behind furniture or in walls. Keeping the jump as an escape is kind of an option but it's not really a proper solution. I do want Fred to effectively "trip" over the cat by a solid collision because... well that's what life is like when you have a cat. But if it makes it completely impossible to get anywhere, I need another idea.

Also, after their conversation, Bianca heads into the kitchen seemingly for no reason. That has actually been for a test of the navigation system to get actors to go from room to room. It's not really necessary at this point but her speed and direction affects her approach to the table with the DVDs and thus her position when she expresses her comment about the movie. I'll probably move her into the kitchen to start but I want to have a table and chairs in there for her to be sitting at.

Main stuff worked on since last post:

  • Place some other props including DVDs on a table.
  • Enable a script to be fired on completion of a path.  
  • Review location Navigation data file and Points of Interest files are
  • Complete hard coded conversation logic as needed  
  • Create conversation files for use with item examination.
  • Improve code for working with UI where possible.  
  • Break up original conversation with some dialogue at a couple points
  • Functionality to "Feed the cat"
  • Rewrite of script conditionals logic processing to support tests on multiple actors.

I'm very happy in particular with the recent work on conditionals in my script processing. This allows me to test Fred's attributes (or any other actor's) when engaged in Bianca's conversation script. Previously I would only be able to test the attributes of the actor that owned the conversation script. Also now I can compare one attribute to another whether it's the same actor's or another's. Previously I was only able to compare an attribute to a static value in the script.

I'm not sure what the plan for the next while will be. As I said, there's lots more to polish up the first scene but moving forward into scene two is pretty tempting. But at minimum before moving to scene two, I think I'm going to finish up work on Bianca and Sammy's sprites.

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Nice work! :) 

August 03, 2019 12:41 AM
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