Weekly Updates #82 - No escape

Published July 04, 2020

Hello there! It's time for your favourite Weekly Update post yet again! This week's been kinda slow actually. There were a lot of changes happening in my life lately, so there's not a whole lot of new stuff. So let's get right to it, shall we?


This week's theme was mainly balancing. The feedback my Patreon supporters gave was golden, and with that, it was clear what to tweak to make the game a whole lot more interesting.

Here's a small list of what changed:

  • General luck buff:
    • Players are now more likely to get lucky;
    • Bosses are now also able to make critical attacks;
    • Luck calculation has changed to make luck a bit more forgiving.
  • Item spawning buff.
    • You are now more likely to find items in things like breakable boxes and such.
  • Player buffs:
    • Sword character buff:
      • Buffed the character base attack stats.
    • Status effects:
      • The paralyzed time was cut from 20 seconds to 6 seconds
  • Player nerfs:
    • The Robin Hood character now starts with less base health;
    • The Standard character now has less agility.
  • Enemy buffs:
    • Marksmen and swordmen got a slightly higher attack base stat.
  • Enemy nerfs:
    • Swordmen and marksmen both got their base defence lowered;
    • Hamburgers now have a whole lot less base health:
      • They're also 50% bigger. Thus making them a whole lot easier to hit.

And that's about it for balancing. It's a continuous process but it's easier when you have feedback.

Please Close the Door

Lastly, there's another new mechanic that spices up the game quite a bit. Previously, once the player steps into the room the enemy starts spawning. Once they did, nothing stops the player from camping form the previous room and getting cheap kills. But now this all changes.

Indeed, once the player steps into a new uncleared room the door shut itself up behind the player's back. This effectively means that now there's no more hiding. And should you need to get out, you'll need to fight and win first.

This makes the game much tenser. You now need to deeply think about it before moving onto the next room. This makes the run so much spicy!

Minor Updates

  • Fixed a bug where tooltips would overflow outside of the game window
  • Fixed a bug that would briefly wrongly place a tooltip while opening
  • Fixed a bug where some props would spawn over un-walkable floors.

Next Week

To be honest, I'm not quite sure if the next weeks will be heavy in content. It was a bummer I didn't make the fabled last jungle challenge yet again, but sometimes life throws you a curveball and, while you can manage it, it means that some other things are compromised.

However, I'll try my hardest to work as much as I can. There are still a few feedback items in my backlog, tho nothing critical I think. Now I should fully have time to implement the last challenge. I'm also betting on making a public demo in the following months.

And that's about it for this weeks. So with that, I bid you farewell! See you next week!

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