Orthographic Zooming

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0 comments, last by JoeyBlow2 19 years, 9 months ago
Hi, Im writing something that resembles a 3d editor with the normal 4 vewports. Top, Front, Left, Perspective. The first 3 are in orthographic mode. If I want to zoom in on the scene in those view ports how can it be done. When I add a camera it has no effect on how big the scene apears in the viewport. I cant edit the width of the viewport without making it smaller.... How do all the real 3d editors accomplish this?
/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/Current Projects:PEngine - Full 3d FPS engine
They don't use Orthographic cameras. They use FOV cameras for all 4. They just position the first 3 at the correct locations based on the mesh dimensions, while the 4th is a free floating camera.

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