class specialisation global template inheritance

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6 comments, last by ProPuke 18 years, 12 months ago
Okay guys, time to get your hands dirty Who here can help me get around this little prob? I warn ya, this is some heavy shizz I've got a base templated structure like this:
template<typename Type>
struct Structure{
	/* contents... */
Now I want to offer a specialisation for that class for pointer types... BUT the original class is damn big; So I want this new one to inherit all of its contents...
template<typename Type>
struct Structure<Type*>:Structure<Type*>{
	/* extra contents... */
Well that's no good coz it links back to itself (since Type* is already specialised). What I'm after is a way of passing Type* as the the type for the original global templation without getting a feedback loop My first plan was to add a boolean flag to the original global template with a default value of true & use that to differentiate:
template<typename Type, bool original=true>
struct Structure{};

template<typename Type>
struct Structure<Type,true>{
	/* contents... */

template<typename Type>
struct Structure<Type*,false>:Structure<Type*,true>{
	/* extra contents... */
BUT quite a few of the methods in the global prototype <Type,true> return instances of itself. That means the return type for those functions MUST contain all template parameters. But I can't cast to <Type,true> because then those methods will cast when inherited by the pointer alternative & the results won't have the extra contents So really the global template version MUST be able to fully contain the specialisation, but if this is the case then how do I differentiate that I want to inherit from the base without the inherit line being picked up by the specilisation itself.. I doubt there is special syntax for this I know c++ templating is severly limited & I'm already right up against the limits in several other situations. But does anyone know a way around this? Maybe some other way of copying the declaration body from the first to the specilisation using macros? & then somehow linking in their later definitions.. oh I don't know This is a CHALLENGE, comon you great minds out there! (& yeah it's g++ 8P)
_______________________________ ________ _____ ___ __ _`By offloading cognitive load to the computer, programmers are able to design more elegant systems' - Unununium OS regarding Python
any chance you could move some of the internals to a base and then derive the template and the specialisation from that?
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
I thought about that, but the specialisation actually overrides a few of the originals methods & the original methods must be able to access the new overrides - So I can't push them into a subclass
_______________________________ ________ _____ ___ __ _`By offloading cognitive load to the computer, programmers are able to design more elegant systems' - Unununium OS regarding Python
Maybe I won't be making much sense as I'm not an expert at template programming, but in the same way ChaosEngine suggested, why don't you do something like this:

template<typename T>
// contains everything you want in your base

template<typename T>
structure<T> : base_structure<T>
// define nothing in here

template<typename T>
structure<T*> : base_structure<T*>
// redefine needed methods here

Hmmm... I'm not sure about this, but anyway, it's the only thing I can think of.


I re-read your post and I see what you mean. However, from what I know of C++, what you ask is impossible by standard means. Because you want the functionality of the "virtual" keyword and templates at the same time, I think that's not normally possible.

struct Structure
virtual void do() { cout << "Base" << endl; }
void do_it() { do(); }

struct Derived : public Structure
virtual void do() { cout << "derived" << endl; }

Excuse syntax errors if there are any. Calling do_it() from a Structure or from a Derived won't do the same thing, that's what you mean, but that's only possible with polymorphism, but I think it cannot be mixed with templates. But I may be wrong.

From what I read, partial specialization involves re-writing the whole class/structure and that's it, there's no shortcut.

Correct me somebody if I'm wrong :)
Well originally the reason I didn't do that was because base_structure's methods need to intergrate with structure's methods & members
I suppose this could be acomplished through a parent pointer specified in base_structure's constructor, & thinking about it now - it does feel like an alternative
The structure itself would also need to be aware of when its address changes so that it could update it's base_structure child accordingly. But this is actually already implemented in my framework so it is fully possible
It is a messy alternative though & I'm still open to single class alternatives


virtual methods can be used in templated classes as long as the methods themselves being made virtual do not have their own templates

Quote:From what I read, partial specialization involves re-writing the whole class/structure and that's it, there's no shortcut

Actually it does appear you can cross inherit from other specialisations during declaration & that's what I was trying to do. The problem is finding a way to inherit from a template instance that fully contains the specialisation
it might be possible.. we'll see ;]

But thanks you were right with your suggestion, & yours & ChaosEngine's post are more feasible than first thought
_______________________________ ________ _____ ___ __ _`By offloading cognitive load to the computer, programmers are able to design more elegant systems' - Unununium OS regarding Python
Sorry, didn't have time to analyse your problem fully, but would the following volatile hack work? (You could do it with const instead of volatile, but I guessed that volatile would be less intrusive - it does however mean that you can't actually template the class on a volatile type)
#include <iostream>template < typename TYPE >class NonVolatile{	public:		typedef TYPE type;};template < typename TYPE >class NonVolatile< TYPE volatile >{	public:		typedef TYPE type;};template < typename TYPE >class Test{	private:		typedef NonVolatile< TYPE >::type Type;	public:		virtual Type function1(Type t)		{			std::cout << "base Test function1\n";		}		Type function2(Type t)		{			std::cout << "base Test function2\n";		}};template < typename TYPE >class Test< TYPE * >	:	public Test< TYPE * volatile >{	public:		virtual TYPE * function1(TYPE * t)		{			std::cout << "specialised Test function1\n";		}};int main(){	Test< int > intTest;	Test< int * > intPointerTest;	int i = 7;	intTest.function1(i);	intTest.function2(i);	intPointerTest.function1(&i);	intPointerTest.function2(&i);}

Quote:Original post by ProPuke
I know c++ templating is severly limited & I'm already right up against the limits in several other situations.

Have your read these before:

Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied
C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't say that if you did already [smile]

Anyways back to the problem, you want to do something different when a certain type is given in this case all pointer types without resorting to partial specializations. Do you know about type traits, type/tag dispatching?

If you could give more details on exactly what you want to do if a pointer type is given, i'll try and show you how to achieve this, but basically you want is a is_pointer type traits then conditionally dispatch on type at compile-time, is_pointer is trival to define:

template < typename Tp >struct is_pointer { static const bool val = false; };template < typename Tp >struct is_pointer<Tp*> { static const bool val = true; };

but there is no need to reinvent the wheel, boost has a whole type traits and template metaprogramming library at your disposal
Hugs & kisses for snk_kid!

I forgot all about those nifty type dispatching methods. I guess sometimes you've gotta just keep relearning over & over again until it sticks
Gamedev never ceases to open my mind in new ways & I think that's largely to blame on you snk_kid if I am not mistaken
Well you best stop helping me now, as I can no longer rate you any higher :P
(soz that it's had no affect on your rating, guess I must of been a much lower level when I rated you before, suxors :/)

Well suffice to say that took me in precisely the right direction to sorting that all out

Enigma: Your hack might work but it makes me feel all dirty inside

thankyou all for taking the time ;]
_______________________________ ________ _____ ___ __ _`By offloading cognitive load to the computer, programmers are able to design more elegant systems' - Unununium OS regarding Python

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