Which .x file modelling program do you use?

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9 comments, last by TheOther 18 years, 5 months ago
I've tried using blender3d, but the models do not load, giving an error with the Mesh.LoadFromFile (using MDX) method. I was wondering what everyone else uses to create their .x models.
____________________________________________________________Programmers Resource Central
I have had luck making models in Blender then saving in a non .X format to import into 3dsmax to save as a .x file... it loads fine after that.

A bad solution, I know :)
I use 3ds6, myself. Panda exporter works pretty good for what I need.
Rhino 2 then Milkshape then 3DExploration then X File
You can get blender to export .x files (without errors) by putting this .py file into the \Blender\.blender\scripts directory, it makes a new button under File -> Export. Works for me anyway [grin].
I use milkshape to create my model files. (Also on another note, if you export to .x in milkshape the files will not load if you decide not to include animations. So all boxes need to be checked.)
I'm using dx9, and both the blender and milkshape exporter are dx8. Could this be causing the error when loading the file?
____________________________________________________________Programmers Resource Central
No, I use the Directx (JT) exporter for milkshape in DirectX9. It is also better than the other dx milkshape exporter because it has more options.


Quote:Original post by darkzim
No, I use the Directx (JT) exporter for milkshape in DirectX9. It is also better than the other dx milkshape exporter because it has more options.

And the other one doesn't work ;)
That file I posted before should work with DX9 and blender v2.37a (does for me) even though it says it's for DX8. I actually found that in one of the tutorials here on gamedev (this one).

You might want to change the "Name: 'DirectX8(.x)...'" that's on the fourth line in the file to something like "Name: 'DirectX custom exporter(.x)...'" so you can tell the difference between it and the DX8 exporter that comes with blender.

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