New to DirectX C++

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3 comments, last by Jettoz 17 years, 5 months ago
Hello, I've been programming in C++ for awhile now and I have made my own Text Rpg's with Battle Systems, Map Systems, Town Systems, ect... however I'm ready to move into DirectX for only makeing 2D Games. I know going from Console Programming to DirectX is going to be big leaps so I’m looking for recommend Tutorials and/or Books related to 2D Game Programming. I was thinking of learning DirectDraw since I don't need all the fancy features in D3D but I'm not sure if I should go down that road. I'm looking to make a Pac Man Clone as my first game in Direct X, if anyone can lead me into the right direction that would be great. C++ is my third langauge, however I really didn't use Direct X too much with Visual Basic and with C# I used XNA.
____________________VB/C++/C# Programmer
Google or take a look on the gamedev ressources...

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Quote:Original post by LJ_1102
Google or take a look on the gamedev ressources...

"This forum is for beginners ("newbies") to ask questions without being slapped around because someone more experienced decides they should already know the answer. If you want to make a reply ask yourself:

- Am I being helpful? (Yes)"

You could of done a "google" search for your thread.

If anyone else can give me what they recommend that would be great.
____________________VB/C++/C# Programmer
Hey Jettoz.

I appreciate that D3D probably seems very overcomplicated for doing 2D graphics, but I really can't recommend bothering to learn DirectDraw. As you're probably aware, it has been depreciated and the cards around that support it directly are dying out.

You get a lot of other advantages from using Direct3D as well. Hardware support for alpha blending, scaling and rotation is available pretty much across the board and in some ways, specifically in terms of setting up swap chains and recovering from lost devices, Direct3D 8 onwards is actually a lot easier to use than DirectDraw.

I learned DirectDraw years ago, then moved on recently to Direct3D. I found very little crossed over, except perhaps the understanding of some of the concepts. I don't think that, overall, DirectDraw is any easier to use that Direct3D for 2D games and you'll end up learning Direct3D eventually anyway, so I personally would advise you to jump straight in.

There is a D3DXSprite interface in d3dx that will ease a lot of the pain of messing about rendering quads and batching and so on. If you are interested in messing around with all that yourself, there is a very good article here that started me off.

There's loads of helpful people round here writing 2D stuff with Direct3D who will be able to answer any questions you might have. I've had a hunt for an ID3DXSprite tutorial, but the best I can find is this which is for DirectX 8. It don't really know what the differences between the sprite interfaces for 8 and 9 are so can't comment on how easy it would be to convert, but I'm sure it would be a good learning experience.
Wow thanks! I see I'm going to have a lot of work ahead of me, so I better get reading! Thanks again!
____________________VB/C++/C# Programmer

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