Free Python IDE?

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3 comments, last by Zahlman 16 years, 9 months ago
Hello there! I'm in the need of a free Python IDE that supports code completion or intellisence. I would like it very much if it supports extensions as well, like pygame and wxpython extensions. I have found great use of intellisence when programming in Visual Studio and Zend Studio and feel handicapped without it. I would also like support for projects. Thanks in advance!
Eclipse IDE + Pydev plugin
I have set up Eclipse and it seem to work. But it doesn't get code completion for pygame. What do I need to set up for this to work?
I have always used SPE (Stani's Python Editor) for my IDE


The versions I have used were a little resource hungry, but were fairly decent with dot completion as long as you have a decent amount of RAM. The IDE also includes some nice extras to help with development.
IDLE comes with the Windows installation of Python (at least), and supports these things (at least on a rudimentary level, while typing code at the REPL prompt).

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