Elemental Wars PC Game Beta Announcement November 16, 2004

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-1 comments, last by PlayfulMinds 19 years, 6 months ago
For Immediate Release Elemental Wars PC Game Beta Announcement November 16, 2004 Playful Minds announces the Elemental Wars beta test. Starting now and ending in the middle of December, a few lucky testers will be selected to participate in the Elemental Wars beta test for windows. Testing will include exciting head to head play via peer to peer and in the Playful Minds game lobby. Also testers will be asked to outwit the challenging computer players who have three levels of difficulty. Active, selected testers will receive a free copy of the game plus be given in game testing credits. Visit http://www.playfulminds.com to apply and begin playing today. About Elemental Wars The four great elemental mages of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water have challenged each other to a battle of wits and power. Which elemental is the strongest? Which wizard is the most clever? Who will use their mana most wisely? The elemental arena has been created. The battle for elemental supremacy is about to begin! About Playful Minds Playful Minds is focused on developing fun, network strategy and role-playing games. This includes both turn based and real-time strategy. Our team has been creating quality games for over eight years and is located in San Jose, California. Contact Darrin Adams (408) 251-1111 darrin@playfulminds.com

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