[.net] Passing native types between two mixed assemblies

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-1 comments, last by stephanh 15 years, 12 months ago
Hi, is it possible to pass native types between two c++/clr mixed assemblies? My setup looks like following assembly A: public ref class SceneNode { ...managed stuff... Engine::Node * GetNode(); }; assembly B: public ref class SceneEditor { SceneEditor( SceneNode ^ node ) { Engine::Node * node = node->GetNode(); ... } } B depends on A, if i add A to B as a reference the GetNode method is missing from the assembly, linking against the assembly leads to undefined tokens for all managed classes/types. If i put A and B into the same project/assembly it works flawless. Does anybody know how to get it working in two assemblies? (without wrapping the Node ptr in a IntPtr or something similar) Thanks alot!

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