GLSL Motion Blur

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10 comments, last by Mctittles 12 years, 10 months ago
Just to answer this thread in general, I highly recommend checking out Chapter 17 in Game Engine Gems 1. It provides a complete GLSL implementation of a fast and robust post-processing technique for motion blur.

Thanks for the information. I definitely want to spend some time studying up on GLSL. I've got a handle on the basics now, sending variables to the shader, accessing built in variables, recoloring in fragment and positioning in vertex.


[color=#B57438]Eric Lengyel

The description of that chapter sounds promising. I went and made a motion blur on my own that involves writing to a lower resolution frame buffer, that's faster than accum buffer but still too slow for my needs. I'll have to take a look at that book as it seems closer to what I'd like to do.
I understand the concepts. Calculate a vector based on previous/next fragment positions and blur accordingly. Like most stuff I get hung up on the maths behind it. I've been programming for over 20 years right now, from Apple II to Flash to recently C and have made everything from arkanoid clones to web based image processors but I never seem to get better at math :).

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