FindFirstFile Avoidance [C++]

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-1 comments, last by brwarner 14 years, 4 months ago
I am making a program which utilizes Microsoft Detours to overwrite library functions and am experimenting with injecting into the FindFirstFile function. Through tests it seems to work and I have grabbed breakpoints of other processes using the functions but somehow some programs seem to avoid calling either FindFirstFile/FindFirstFileEx/FindFirstFileTransacted (I injected them all) and get a directory listing. Even the open/save file dialog boxes do as well which leads me to believe there is some other magical method of directory iteration I have not yet found. Anyone have any idea what these processes may be doing? EDIT: NEvermind, fixed it myself. [Edited by - brwarner on January 27, 2010 9:30:03 PM]

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