Monitors and HDMI. Why can't they just work?

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13 comments, last by Spa8nky 13 years, 11 months ago
When you say "doesn't fit" do you mean its cut off at the edges, or its just plain wrong

All the monitors/TVs were LCDs and doesn't fit varied between plain wrong and cut off at the edges.

Finally, if you require audio, make sure your computer supports audio pass-thru -- not all older/cheaper models support this.

The 40" "family" Sony TV accepts audio from my laptop.

Try setting it to "just scan" or something similar to deal with the incorrect scaling.

Tried that on the Samsung 2333HD with no luck.

You may be using a long HDMI cable. HDMI is only certified to work with cables shorter than 1.5m. Make sure your cable is HDMI certified.

All my cables are under 2m and HDMI 1.3b certified.

Who can recommend a model that works for them in both sound and vision?
I have a one of these Asus monitors it works fine with my ATI 5770HD graphics card. Has sound and video output just fine. Works fine with my PS3 too.
Sorry, I should have stated that I'm after a 16:9 ratio monitor. I prefer them over 16:10 as I find it easier to view work on.
A few hints to make everything work:
1. Disable overscan in your TV options (not your PC).
2. Make sure to connect your nvidia card to your motherboard's internal spdif connector. (Ati cards don't require this).
3. Make sure your sound card drivers are correctly installed. If in doubt, download and update them yourself (most motherboards use realtek chips, so downloading from is a good bet).

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Thanks dude but I already know this works correctly with a TV but I can't use it for my main monitor as it is the family TV.

A smaller 16:9 TV/Monitor is what I am after.

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