[DX9] Game crashing on other computers

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10 comments, last by MalmodirMurin 13 years ago
I bet it wouldn't take much of your time (probably less than 1 hr) to put macro like this around every Win32 / DX call that returns HRESULT:

#define CHECK_HR(op) \
{ \
HRESULT hr = (op); \
if (FAILED(op)) \
{ \
char buffer[1024]; \
sprint(buffer, "Operation %s failed in %s:%d, hr = 0x%x", #op, __FILE__, __LINE__, hr); \
ShowMessageBox(NULL, buffer, "Error", MB_INFO); \
} \
Maciej Sawitus
my blog | my games
Oh, I did not notice any further replies, but yes the problem still exists...

I enclosed every single usage of the D3DX-functions with a similar macro after adding other stuff. The features are growing and it gets the shape of a usable game, still it runs only on few machines.
My prof gave me some extra time (2 weeks from now), because other course participants reached their goals by lowering target requirements (no shaders, easy up game mechanics).

This is the reason I cant do any more assumptions for my problem. I increased the warning level, stripped out everything unneeded, let my testers update directx, install xna runtime and run the caps-viewer. Some report they don't even see the console open up, other's do. It's like a random crashomizer.

I'll try to get my hands on one of the issued computers to start an analysis (referring to a_insomniac), but this may take a while.

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