On Friendship In the Crowd

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40 comments, last by _the_phantom_ 12 years, 10 months ago
In my experience, people who claim to have proof and then avoid showing it (ignoring requests, "maybe tomorrow", ...) either do not have any proof in the first place (and just want to make trouble) or know their proof will not stand up to any closer inspection.

[quote name='Hypnotron' timestamp='1310546943' post='4834696']
Is that because i've been too civilized?

You are throwing accusations at IRC ops in general and gamedev IRC ops in particular without in any way backing that up. That is not civilized. Civilized would be backing it up with us much rational information as possible and as little pathos as possible. But all we are getting here is pathos in the form of "I'm a poor victim and everyone is against me".


EDIT the below log includes more of the discussion leading up to the ban.

Look, is this the end of hte world? No. Let's not make it out to be. I simply started a post proclaiming my frustration with petty ops and the facts of life with IRC. These facts of life will never change. I realize that. I simply don't have to choose to be apart of that. The end.

the logs.
So, I just quickly flew over that but from what I can tell you continued to make 'fun' of suicides after you were told that was troubling to several people due to them having been present or close to suicides and then topped it off with some general profanity?

So, I just quickly flew over that but from what I can tell you continued to make 'fun' of suicides after you were told that was troubling to several people due to them having been present or close to suicides and then topped it off with some general profanity?

So you quickly few over it and came to some erroneous conclusion. SHow me exactly where i made "fun" of suicides or make an apology right now. What wiill you do?

Hillarous. You wanted the logs and then you couldnt even be bothered to read them straight.
and what really sucks is when you read in the logs which i just did when i was searching to paste is when someone you thought was cool liek Gachuk is there talking behind your back

[color="#0000ff"]Gachuk> sometimes TheGuru you make me feel warm fuzzys inside
<[color="#0000ff"]shawn-p> Hypnodumbass I mean.
<[color="#0000ff"]Gachuk> totally deserved that

Seriously to hell with these people.

Because all it takes is for one person to stand up for another... but they're all either cowards or corrupt (or afk/asleep :P)
I didn't want your logs. I simply stated what you should have done right from the start before embarking on your litany of the injured innocence.
So you asked to be banned forever then came in here to complain about being banned forever?

That was a painful read. I know we're friends now and stuff, but good lord what a load of posturing rubbish. Good riddance I say. Be the better man Hypnotron, join a #rainbow channel or something, go for a walk. Paint a picture. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, and life is short my friend.

So you asked to be banned forever then came in here to complain about being banned forever?

That was a painful read. I know we're friends now and stuff, but good lord what a load of posturing rubbish. Good riddance I say. Be the better man Hypnotron, join a #rainbow channel or something, go for a walk. Paint a picture. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, and life is short my friend.

Posturing rubbish. Perhaps. But as the saying goes, "Judge not where you have no compassion."

This was part of my not wanting to post the logs. They were irrelevant. THe relevant part is being apart of an IRC channel for several years and then by the pettyness of some op being banned. Hey, i dont need you to tell me to move on. I already did that. This is about my reasoning for moving on. Maybe you dont want to know it then dont reply to this thread. Be careful what you ask for.

IRC is a petty playground. There's no doubt about that. Did anyone bother to say that up front? No. Is it reality? Absolutely. Maybe next time your initial responses will be a bit more tempered. You know, not everyone has to nor should they quit worrying and learn to love the bomb.

SHow me exactly where i made "fun" of suicides or make an apology right now. What wiill you do?

Well, that why I said 'fun' and not fun. It's difficult to find a better way to describe it and my build is nearly done anyway, but 'deliberately rubbing salt into the mental wounds' might be a more accurate description.

[quote name='Hypnotron' timestamp='1310549003' post='4834719']
SHow me exactly where i made "fun" of suicides or make an apology right now. What wiill you do?

Well, that why I said 'fun' and not fun. It's difficult to find a better way to describe it and my build is nearly done anyway, but 'deliberately rubbing salt into the mental wounds' might be a more accurate description.

Yet another unfounded accusation. Paste me a quote of mine where i rubbed salt into a mental wound. You avoided doing so in your last reply and you chagne the wording but still offered not a single quote. Dreadful. Shame on you.

And to those of you modding down my so called "reputation" on this board. Do so all you want. It speaks more about you than I. Let's keep this thread alive because all we're speaking is the truth.

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