Java vs C# (Mono)

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27 comments, last by Dragonion 12 years, 10 months ago
"Although C# applications are intended to be economical with regard to memory and processing power requirements, the language was not intended to compete directly on performance and size with C or assembly language"

~ One of the ECMA design goals for C# ~

"Like C, Java's goals were really around being able to build relatively specific kinds of software, and we were really going for very distributed, very reliable, interacting-with-people kinds of software -- ones where things like reliability mattered a huge amount, things like security mattered a huge amount, and they all mattered enough that there was a willingness to take a performance hit for them"

~ James Gosling, inventor of the Java programming language ~

... and this pretty much sums up why you shouldn't use either for game development =)

... and this pretty much sums up why you shouldn't use either for game development =)

Given that there are successful games already released using both languages, why do you believe this is an accurate statement?

... and this pretty much sums up why you shouldn't use either for game development =)

and this pretty much sums up your deep ignorance in this matter.

Stefano Casillo
TWITTER: [twitter]KunosStefano[/twitter]
AssettoCorsa - netKar PRO - Kunos Simulazioni

... and this pretty much sums up why you shouldn't use either for game development =)



He is perpetuating a dangerous (for the "For Beginners" forum) myth that game development should only be done using C, C++, and assembly. It has no basis in fact, and you can feel free to ignore it.
I don't understand why there is so much talk about performance. Have you ever not played an indy game because it runs 5 FPS too slow? For hobby projects the time spent developing is a lot more important than the run-time performance. I have 6 years experience in C++ and 1 year in C# and I know that I can design/implement C# code about twice as fast as C++. That is worth a bit of a run-time performance hit (for me).

Have you ever not played an indy game because it runs 5 FPS too slow?

I wonder what type of computer you have to get that speed?

[quote name='c_olin' timestamp='1311719982' post='4840855']
Have you ever not played an indy game because it runs 5 FPS too slow?

I wonder what type of computer you have to get that speed?

I think he meant 5fps slower than it normally runs, not just 5fps. Like 60fps vs 55 fps, not 60fps vs 5 fps.

[quote name='LizardGamer' timestamp='1311770736' post='4841072']
[quote name='c_olin' timestamp='1311719982' post='4840855']
Have you ever not played an indy game because it runs 5 FPS too slow?

I wonder what type of computer you have to get that speed?

I think he meant 5fps slower than it normally runs, not just 5fps. Like 60fps vs 55 fps, not 60fps vs 5 fps.

This is what I meant.
For hobby projects the time spent developing is a lot more important than the run-time performance.

That I totally agree with! Hell, the first few games I developed myself in the early 90's were written in a language called AMOS (for the Amiga 500) which was, if anything, even more user-friendly than C#. Hmm ... coming to think about it I may actually have forgotten I was in the beginner's section. Sorry about that.

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