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13 comments, last by Serapth 12 years, 5 months ago
Yeah but attending graphic school and working every other aspects of the game (art, story and design), and having to find a part time work, I'm afraid I can't possibly find time to lear a language :( so I will be looking for help anytime soon.
Something irks me whenever I see “no time to…”.
I simply don’t believe that.

I work 2 jobs (game programming and modeling/acting on Japanese TV) and am taking the online Stanford course in AI.
In addition to that school I am studying Japanese (I live in Japan) and Korean at other schools and I have a major personal project (which consumes nearly as much time as my main job).
And I still have enough time to practice piano 2-5 hours per day, compose a little, hang out at the mall, and get 8 hours of sleep nightly. And I have a healthy dating life on top of it.

I think you just need to manage your time better.
Hint: Running is faster (and healthier) than walking. Skip steps going up and down stairs. Never stand on escalators. They are only there to further increase the speed at which you would already be going up stairs.

You can find time to do anything you want to do. If you are not willing due to “lack of time”, it really just means you are “not motivated enough to make the time”.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

I just wanted to hop on here and say I am in the same boat. I found the most AMAZING website, and I love it: Excellent tutorials for Unity. They basically hold your hand and walk you through scripting, Unity design...everything. You can't get any easier than that. I too am creating my own game, and this site is killer for learning.
Well I didn't mean I don't have time, what I meant is I don't want to spend time trying to master a language. (I believe one needs years to master a language)

And I'm the kind of guy who prefer to work in team, so I'd rather have mastery in one or two stuffs and associate myself with people who mastered other aspects.

That's just the kind of guy I am..(why give years of my life into programming if I don't want to be a programmer?)

@ RedHarbinger thanks for the link, I'm looking right now into it

edit: by the way, if anyone is willing to know more about my projects, feel free to visit

Atm I can only show characters concept art I've been working on so far, as the other aspects are still formless (I still have problems coming up with a decent story, especially when it involves story without real good vs evil stuffs, and it's kind of a strategic mixed with rpg, with several armies, so giving them reasons to be at war with each other is kinda headaching)

Something irks me whenever I see “no time to…”.
I simply don’t believe that.

I work 2 jobs (game programming and modeling/acting on Japanese TV) and am taking the online Stanford course in AI.
In addition to that school I am studying Japanese (I live in Japan) and Korean at other schools and I have a major personal project (which consumes nearly as much time as my main job).
And I still have enough time to practice piano 2-5 hours per day, compose a little, hang out at the mall, and get 8 hours of sleep nightly. And I have a healthy dating life on top of it.

I think you just need to manage your time better.
Hint: Running is faster (and healthier) than walking. Skip steps going up and down stairs. Never stand on escalators. They are only there to further increase the speed at which you would already be going up stairs.

You can find time to do anything you want to do. If you are not willing due to “lack of time”, it really just means you are “not motivated enough to make the time”.

L. Spiro

You do what with the what now???

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