Free Soundtrack Music for any projects

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4 comments, last by nsmadsen 12 years, 1 month ago
Hey guys,

I have got some music which I would like to give to any developers at no cost (except a mention in the credits) for any project with games, film etc.
Please give me any feedback or opinions of my work smile.png
Just visit my website and get in contact with me through my website smile.png

Please feel free to request anything :)
I'm a fellow composer and just checked out your website. What software do you use to compose? Your music sounds great, would love to hear some more!

I'm a fellow composer and just checked out your website. What software do you use to compose? Your music sounds great, would love to hear some more!

Thanks a lot :)
I use Finale 2011
At the moment I'm waiting to get some better sounding VSTi's
I cant wait till I get them biggrin.png
Oh hey, that makes two of us. I used to use Native Instruments VI One Audio Units (Mac's version of VST), which was a decent selection and pretty cheap as well. Currently I was able to get Komplete 8 which is amazing. What genre video game would you enjoy scoring the most?
Please use the Classified section for promoting your work and trying to land projects. The Music and Sound forum is for discussion, sharing one's work and providing/getting feedback. There are hobbyist and commercial projects in the Classifieds section so you should be able to find what you're looking for. For now, I'll lock this thread.



Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

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