Game Engine

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2 comments, last by MirageUY 11 years, 12 months ago
Hi all.

I am looking for a game engine suitable for a game design i have in mind. I am looking to create a Zombie survival game that you acquire cash and salvage to buy new guns/ create thing (turrets, traps etc.). I am looking for a descent AI and good graphics. it will be fps that will implement 4 player multiplayer (eventually) and i my company plan to take this commercially. I am also looking for someone to help out with this project if they are willing to (once the game has gone commercial, they will obviously recieve a 'thank you' gift, whether it be a percentace of profit or a one off sum smile.png ).
I currently have Unity3d installed however, i am new at this so i will need the best engine to 'help' me aswell. I also plan to code in C# as that is what im learning.
Unity3D, may just be good enough for your current requirements. Another engine that supports C# is Neo-Axis, which also provides an FPS template.

If you are willing to consider learning a new language, you can look at the Unreal Development Kit, which is geared towards creating FPS games.

There are plenty of other engines (Torque 3D, Shiva, C4, etc.) out there. You may need to analyze them and see what meets your requirements.
What is your experience level would you say?

Have you ever made a game before? How good are you at various programming languages?

What are your skills with art, modelling, sound design and music composition.

Have you ever taken a computer science course?

If your answers to a lot of these are "low" then I would strongly recommend getting your foot in the door, experience wise, with something much simpler. Start with a flash game, maybe, or a simple concept. There's a reason why games like this have teams of dedicated professionals.

Consider 2D graphics, or a top-down approach to simplify the concepts involved. Don't make anything too hard for yourself or you'll find yourself getting disheartened quickly.

If you're not too good at making art or music, but your programming skills are pretty good, consider procedural content. The computer will design it for you, and you'll be able to create infinite worlds.

The crux of the matter is that you should start small. Don't go out trying to make the next Left 4 Dead. Settle with farmville first and move on from there.
Sole Creator of Pigment - a procedural, block-base space trading sim.

PhD student working on medical imaging at the University of Southampton.

Enjoyer of games, films, books and cider.
Mmm.. do you know portuguese? I saw a pretty awesome, tutorial for unity 3d + multiplayer. But i think you can find one, unity is C# and has option to mutiplayer, and it has been improving it graphics, I think you should go with it.

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