Looking for Feedback Tactical Basketball RPG Prototype

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0 comments, last by Humble Hobo 12 years ago

I wanted to show you a fun little game I am currently making and would like to hear feedback from you!

It is a Tactical RPG of Basketball! It is currently in a board game format because I wanted to get the feel
of its core game play before I write a single line of code. What I currently have now is a very basic game
and will improve on it later based upon feedback.

Some Facts
Players = 2
Learning Time = ~20 minutes
Playing Time = ~ 30 minutes - 1 hour

You can view the rules here at my blog


or you could view the videos that accompany it directly on youtube


If you want to get the pieces and board directly from here I attached them below
(Note: scale to fit paper when printing for the player sprites)

I am excited about this game and am looking forward to hearing feedback from the community!

http://subliminalman...basketsheet.png (Sorry couldn't attach)
Great work! You've thought it through, and took the time to make helpful videos.


The Good:

  • Easy to learn
  • There's always a chance to turn the tables in your favor, making for a strategic and interesting game.
  • Video clarifies all questions I had after reading the rules. If you have a rulebook or something, include pictures of confusing instances.
  • It's expandable -- once converted to a digital format, it's simple to add more attributes and rules that the computer can do for you.

The Bad:

  • Might want to be more explicit on determining the 'middle' between two characters. Perhaps 'round up' towards the passer.
  • There's a few edge cases, like if a pass fails (too low), and there is a cluster of 3 opponents between the passer and the pasee. There's not really any good 'in between' to put the ball.

The Neutral:

  • Make sure to account for longer games (more points, more phases) when it's in digital form and the steps move quicker. Is there anything that becomes tedious or repetitive once the game is longer?

Good stuff! Have friends playtest it a ton and see if there are any common strategies that people lean towards, or any exploits.

edit: modified for readability

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