Need some help to release my allegro-game

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2 comments, last by stitchs_login 11 years, 8 months ago
Hello everyone!

i have made a game in c++ with allegro using microsoft visual c++ 2010 express, and i want to send it to my friend. But i have no idea how to release it and make it so it is able to get installed and get working without all kinds of strange errors.

I have watched Mike Geigs tutorials at
He shows at the end at "Part 14.4 Deploying our Allegro 5 Game in Visual Studio 2010" how to release a final product of a game, using the "setup wizard"

But i dont have microsoft visual studio (the full product), and i have no way to afford buying the full product so i cant use the "setup wizard".

i have tried and searched a lot on the internet but i cant really find any anwsers specifically to that sad.png

i have also tried to download clickteamcreator which i think is like setupwizard in microsoft visual studio. but i have no idea what files i need to to include and all that messy stuff.

If u guys can help me out, please post a step by step, or post a link to a homepage that actually shows how to do it, because im a bigass newb

I would appreciate it SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much

I think this video might be of some help:

The author has two, one for visual studio which is the previous to this one. This one deals with other compilers, hope this helps.


man!!! thank you so much. ive succesfully made it now biggrin.png
No worries, only just remembered that I posted on this. Glad to be of help, post a link to your .exe maybe, get some community feedback?



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