I have a game. What now?

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11 comments, last by mholmes 11 years, 8 months ago

Ashamer, thank you!
Ok I have a great idea now laugh.png
- If I make a one-payment-only game. As soon someone pirates it I don't get any profits of the pirates.
- Meaning I should go for payment in-game also. So I put some limitations on the game. And if the pirates like my game.. They can put some real money into it.
- So it all depends on the entertaining of my game how many people I'll attract. smile.png
And it's a Win-Win (sort of) to get the legal buyers and pirated people to pay some for the in-game stuff. If they want to. tongue.png

Or if I have a PC game I can make a it free game, with buy-able content in-game. I'm not known in the industry remember, so to get a chance people try my game I need to give a free demo or this idea I have now. smile.png

Is this still a business question? Or has the question now moved on to another topic that belongs in another forum?

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

No it's not a question, I was just open-minding my idea. I love to write what I think. smile.png
I don't have questions anymore. Thanks wink.png

- Is it necessary to have a cinematic?
No. This is not even common pratice unless your a large company.

- Is it important to put the trailer on television?
No. How many indie games do you see on tv, likely none.

- Do I need to give a convention about my game.
Ahh .. no, I'm sure all the Star Wars fans wont be upset.

- How much does it cost to put a trailer on television that takes around 30 seconds?
Depends on the time of day. Prime time is very expensive but later hours can be very affordable.

- How do I create a trailer on the gameplay? Do I need to introduce myself the first seconds in the video or first start with the game itself and then introduce myself and explain how the game works?
No real answer, I suggest game play with voice over.

- Do I have more chance to make it sell with a free demo version?
Yes, always offer a demo.

- How do I prevent the possibility of pirating my game?
Nothing you can do really, it will happen no matter what at some point if your product is successful.

- How do I reach the market? Like how do I get my game in a store? Where do I burn all those cd's with my game?
Ahh don't go down this route. To be honest this is a money pit unless your a big company and willing to spend millions and can aford to make 2 cents per copy sold.

- How can I make it clear in the first game that there is a possibility of a second game based on the first one? Or an expansion.
Website, Facebook and other social media forums are good ways to clue your fan base into a expansion.

Just a tip. Making the game is step one. Many think once they finish a game, they are done. Not true, after development is perhapps the hardest part of software development. For my self its a breeze but I also have a degree in business and in various other fields. Marketing/learning how to market your product will truely tell you if your going to be successful or not. Networking as well proves to be hard for some. The best thing you can do is hire a Pr person or profit share witht hem if you can not afford to pay hourly. I hope this helps.

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