Problems with my custom linked list class

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14 comments, last by ISDCaptain01 11 years, 5 months ago

Two stylistic suggestions: (note: These aren't bugs, and aren't related to your problem)

  • Don't compare to 0, compare to NULL (or if using C++11, compare to nullptr). It describes your intent better

Maybe I shouldn't derail this thread, and I really don't mean too, but I always thought the same thing you just said there. Though I posted a basic Linked List code couple weeks ago and was using NULL instead of 0 and someone who said he was a TA at a University kept saying that I should not be using NULL in C++, use 0. Good to know that what I learned to use NULL still seems to be right. Also I do use nullptr when I can but the University Compilers don't support C++11 yet. Ok sorry for derailing this thread.
Because it might lead to interesting discussions, I started a new thread on the matter: NULL vs 0
okay I did some cleaning and a code rewrite
The first thing I did was remove the GetIterator function from the Iterator class and into the List class

The code looks all good but I dont understand what the compiler is telling me here.

Heres my reworked iterator class:
[source lang="cpp"]#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include "SingleLinkedList.h"
#include "SingleListNode.h"
using namespace std;

template <class Datatype>

class SListIterator

//Class Variables
SListNode<Datatype> *m_node;
SLinkedList<Datatype> *m_list;

SListIterator(SLinkedList<Datatype> *p_list = 0, SListNode<Datatype> *p_node = 0)
m_node = p_node;
m_list = p_list;

//Start: Resets the iterator to point to the very first node in the list
void Start()
if(m_list != )
m_node = m_list->m_head;

//Forth: Moves the iterator to the next node
void Forth()
if(m_node != 0)
m_node = m_node->m_next;

//Item: Retrieves the data stored in a node the iterator is pointing at
Datatype& Item()
return m_node->m_data;

//Valid: Check to see if iterator is pointing at something
bool Valid()
return(m_node != 0);


My updated list class
[source lang="cpp"]#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include "SingleListNode.h"
#include "SingleListIterator.h"
using namespace std;

template <class Datatype>

class SLinkedList

m_head = 0;
m_tail = 0;
m_count = 0;

//temporary node pointers
SListNode<Datatype> *itr = m_head;
SListNode<Datatype> *next;
while(itr != 0)
//Save the pointer to the next node
//itr = next->m_next;
//next = itr->m_next;

//Delete the current node
delete itr;

//Make the next node the current node
itr = next;

//Append: Adds a new node to the end of the list
void Append(Datatype p_data)
if(m_head == 0)
//Create a new head node
m_head = m_tail = new SListNode<Datatype>;
m_head->m_data = p_data;
//Insert a new node after the tail

//Update the tail
m_tail = m_tail->m_next;

//Keep track of the number of nodes

//Prepend: Adds a new node to the beginning of the list
void Prepend(Datatype p_data)
//Creata a new node
SListNode<Datatype> *newnode = new SListNode<Datatype>;
newnode->m_data = p_data;
newnode->m_next = m_head;

//Set the head node and the tail node if needed
m_head = newnode;
if(m_tail == 0)
m_tail = m_head;

//RemoveHead: Removes the beginning node in the list
void RemoveHead()
SListNode<Datatype> *node = 0;
if(m_head != 0)
//Make node point to the next node
node = m_head->m_next;

//then delete the head and make the pointer
//point to node
delete m_head;
m_head = node;

//if the head is null, then you've just deleted the only node
//in the list. Set the tail to 0
if(m_head == 0)
m_tail = 0;

//RemoveTail: Removes the ending node of the tail
void RemoveTail()
SListNode<Datatype> *node = m_head;
//If the list isn't empty, then remove a node
if(m_head != 0)
//If the head is equal to the tail, then
//the list has 1 node, and you are removing it
if(m_head == m_tail)
//Delete the node and set both pointers
//to 0
delete m_head;
m_head = m_tail = 0;
//Skip ahead until you find the node
//right before the tail node
while(node->m_next != m_tail)
node = node->m_next;
//Make the tail point to the before the
//current tail and delete the old tail
m_tail = node;
delete node->m_next;
node->m_next = 0;

//GetIterator: Creates a new iterator pointing to the head of the list
SListIterator<Datatype> GetIterator()
return SListIterator<Datatype> (this, m_head);

//Class Variables
SListNode<Datatype> *m_head;
SListNode<Datatype> *m_tail;
int m_count;


and finally my implementation file:
[source lang="cpp"]#include <iostream>
#include "SingleListNode.h"
#include "SingleLinkedList.h"
#include "SingleListIterator.h"
using namespace std;

int main()

//Create a new linked list
SLinkedList<int> list;

//Insert 10, 20, and 30 into the lost

//Start printing the list
cout << "The list contains: ";

//Create a new iterator and make it point to the
//beginning of the list
SListIterator<int> itr = list.GetIterator();

//Loop through the list while the iterator is valid
for(itr.Start(); itr.Valid(); itr.Forth())
cout << itr.Item() << ", ";

//Reset the iterator

return 0;

All the errors are stemming from my iterator class. This is what the compiler is stating
1>------ Build started: Project: Singly Linked List, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> example.cpp
1>c:\users\aasim\desktop\singly linked list\singly linked list\singlelistiterator.h(18): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<'
1> c:\users\aasim\desktop\singly linked list\singly linked list\singlelistiterator.h(63) : see reference to class template instantiation 'SListIterator<Datatype>' being compiled
1>c:\users\aasim\desktop\singly linked list\singly linked list\singlelistiterator.h(18): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\aasim\desktop\singly linked list\singly linked list\singlelistiterator.h(18): error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
1>c:\users\aasim\desktop\singly linked list\singly linked list\singlelistiterator.h(22): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'SLinkedList'
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

I see the first error is saying im missing a ";" after my class variable declarations, fair enough i check and im not.
No clue what the second one is saying
Third one says my template is defaulting to int?

I think Ill copy and paste the authors code and see if that works till then
you know what? The authors code worked. What am I doing wrong. Apparently he clusters all his classes in one header file: Here see:
[source lang="cpp"]#ifndef SLINKEDLIST_H

#include <stdio.h>

// forward declarations of all the classes in this file
template<class Datatype> class SListNode;
template<class Datatype> class SLinkedList;
template<class Datatype> class SListIterator;

// -------------------------------------------------------
// Name: SListNode
// Description: This is the basic Singly-linked list node
// class.
// -------------------------------------------------------
template<class Datatype>
class SListNode

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: m_data
// Description: This is the data stored in each node
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
Datatype m_data;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: m_next
// Description: a pointer to the next node in the list
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
SListNode<Datatype>* m_next;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: SListNode
// Description: Constructor, creates an empty node.
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
m_next = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: InsertAfter
// Description: this inserts a new node after the current node
// Arguments: p_data: the data to insert
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void InsertAfter( Datatype p_data )
// create the new node.
SListNode<Datatype>* newnode = new SListNode<Datatype>;
newnode->m_data = p_data;

// make the new node point to the next node.
newnode->m_next = m_next;

// make the previous node point to the new node
m_next = newnode;


// -------------------------------------------------------
// Name: SLinkedList
// Description: This is the Singly-linked list container.
// -------------------------------------------------------
template<class Datatype>
class SLinkedList

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: SLinkedList
// Description: Constructor, creates an empty list.
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
m_head = 0;
m_tail = 0;
m_count = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: ~SLinkedList
// Description: destructor, deletes every node.
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// temporary node pointers.
SListNode<Datatype>* itr = m_head;
SListNode<Datatype>* next;

while( itr != 0 )
// save the pointer to the next node.
next = itr->m_next;

// delete the current node.
delete itr;

// make the next node the current node.
itr = next;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: Append
// Description: adds data to the end of the list
// Arguments: p_data: the data to insert
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void Append( Datatype p_data )
// check to make sure the list isn't empty
if( m_head == 0 )
// if the list is empty,
// create a new head node.
m_head = m_tail = new SListNode<Datatype>;
m_head->m_data = p_data;
// insert a new node after the tail, and reset the tail.
m_tail->InsertAfter( p_data );
m_tail = m_tail->m_next;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: Prepend
// Description: adds data to the beginning of the list
// Arguments: p_data: data to insert
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void Prepend( Datatype p_data )
// create the new node.
SListNode<Datatype>* newnode = new SListNode<Datatype>;
newnode->m_data = p_data;
newnode->m_next = m_head;

// set the head node, and the tail node if needed.
m_head = newnode;
if( m_tail == 0 )
m_tail = m_head;


// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: Insert
// Description: inserts new data after the given iterator, or
// appends it if iterator is invalid.
// Arguments: p_iterator: iterator to insert after
// p_data: data to insert
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void Insert( SListIterator<Datatype>& p_iterator, Datatype p_data )
// if the iterator doesn't belong to this list, do nothing.
if( p_iterator.m_list != this )

if( p_iterator.m_node != 0 )
// if the iterator is valid, then insert the node
p_iterator.m_node->InsertAfter( p_data );

// if the iterator is the tail node, then
// update the tail pointer to point to the
// new node.
if( p_iterator.m_node == m_tail )
m_tail = p_iterator.m_node->m_next;
// if the iterator is invalid, just append the data
Append( p_data );

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: Remove
// Description: removes the node that the iterator points to
// Arguments: p_iterator: points to the node to remove
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void Remove( SListIterator<Datatype>& p_iterator )
SListNode<Datatype>* node = m_head;

// if the iterator doesn't belong to this list, do nothing.
if( p_iterator.m_list != this )

// if node is invalid, do nothing.
if( p_iterator.m_node == 0 )

if( p_iterator.m_node == m_head )
// move the iterator forward, and delete the head.
// scan forward through the list until we find
// the node prior to the node we want to remove
while( node->m_next != p_iterator.m_node )
node = node->m_next;

// move the iterator forward.

// if the node we are deleting is the tail,
// update the tail node.
if( node->m_next == m_tail )
m_tail = node;

// delete the node.
delete node->m_next;

// re-link the list.
node->m_next = p_iterator.m_node;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: RemoveHead
// Description: removes the head of the list
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void RemoveHead()
SListNode<Datatype>* node = 0;

if( m_head != 0 )
// make node point to the next node.
node = m_head->m_next;

// then delete the head, and make the pointer
// point to node.
delete m_head;
m_head = node;

// if the head is null, then we've just deleted the only node
// in the list. set the tail to 0.
if( m_head == 0 )
m_tail = 0;


// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: RemoveTail
// Description: Removes the tail of the list
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void RemoveTail()
SListNode<Datatype>* node = m_head;

// if the list isn't empty, then remove a node.
if( m_head != 0 )
// if the head is equal to the tail, then
// the list has 1 node, and we are removing it.
if( m_head == m_tail )
// delete the node, and set both pointers
// to 0.
delete m_head;
m_head = m_tail = 0;
// skip ahead until we find the node
// right before the tail node
while( node->m_next != m_tail )
node = node->m_next;

// make the tail point to the node before the
// current tail, and delete the old tail.
m_tail = node;
delete node->m_next;
node->m_next = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: GetIterator
// Description: gets an iterator pointing to the beginning of
// the list
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: an iterator pointing to the beginning of the
// list.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
SListIterator<Datatype> GetIterator()
return SListIterator<Datatype>( this, m_head );

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: Size
// Description: gets the size of the list
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: size of the list
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
int Size()
return m_count;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: SaveToDisk
// Description: saves the list to disk
// Arguments: p_filename: name of the file to save to
// Return Value: true if successful
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
bool SaveToDisk( char* p_filename )
FILE* outfile = 0;
SListNode<Datatype>* itr = m_head;

// open the file
outfile = fopen( p_filename, "wb" );

// return if it couldn't be opened
if( outfile == 0 )
return false;

// write the size of the list first
fwrite( &m_count, sizeof( int ), 1, outfile );

// now loop through and write the list.
while( itr != 0 )
fwrite( &(itr->m_data), sizeof( Datatype ), 1, outfile );
itr = itr->m_next;

fclose( outfile );

// return success.
return true;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: ReadFromDisk
// Description: reads a list from disk
// Arguments: p_filename: name of the file
// Return Value: true if successful
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
bool ReadFromDisk( char* p_filename )
FILE* infile = 0;
Datatype buffer;
int count = 0;

// open the file
infile = fopen( p_filename, "rb" );

// return if it couldn't be opened
if( infile == 0 )
return false;

// read the size of the list first
fread( &count, sizeof( int ), 1, infile );

// now loop through and read the list.
while( count != 0 )
fread( &buffer, sizeof( Datatype ), 1, infile );
Append( buffer );

fclose( infile );

// return success.
return true;

SListNode<Datatype>* m_head;
SListNode<Datatype>* m_tail;
int m_count;

// -------------------------------------------------------
// Name: SListIterator
// Description: This is the basic Singly-linked list
// iterator class.
// -------------------------------------------------------
template<class Datatype>
class SListIterator

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: SListIterator
// Description: Constructor, creates an iterator with a given
// list and node.
// Arguments: p_list: the list the iterator points to
// p_node: the node the iterator points to
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
SListIterator( SLinkedList<Datatype>* p_list = 0,
SListNode<Datatype>* p_node = 0 )
m_list = p_list;
m_node = p_node;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: Start
// Description: moves the iterator to the start of the list.
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void Start()
if( m_list != 0 )
m_node = m_list->m_head;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: Forth
// Description: Moves the iterator forward
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void Forth()
if( m_node != 0 )
m_node = m_node->m_next;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: Item
// Description: gets the item the iterator points to
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: a reference to the item.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
Datatype& Item()
return m_node->m_data;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: Valid
// Description: determines if the iterator is valid or not
// Arguments: None
// Return Value: true if valid
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
bool Valid()
return (m_node != 0);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: m_node
// Description: the current node
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
SListNode<Datatype>* m_node;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: m_list
// Description: the current list
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
SLinkedList<Datatype>* m_list;

What does your list node header look like? In particular, do you #include your list or iterator header in it? If so then you're probably running into the cyclic dependency order problem (problem two from the orgfiles article).
Heck yeah, I got it to work. What I was missing what that I was not providing the templated datatypes of each class into the other classes header file.
That was a good learning experience lol

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