Implementing models into UDK - where do I start?

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1 comment, last by Sammieo 11 years, 1 month ago

Hey guys,

I have some FBX model files made by a friend which I need to apply for my project in UDK. I'm not a modeller, and models aren't what this project is about, so I just want to put them in and play the animations when they happen. I'm conscientous of time and can only spend a few days at most on this, and I'm also aware of UDK's use of static and skeletal meshes.

I've downloaded Blender to extract them with, and while I've done some googling but I haven't found much anything concise. Where should I look to implement these?

Any help you could give would be amazing.


Does this help?


Just posting since I've gotten back to this topic. Thanks again for the video!

But I have another thing I'd like to understand; from looking at that video it seems like he's just taking the model and planting it in as a prop. Does that connect it to a certain pawn or actor, like one defined in Unrealscript and put into the game world by the editor? Or is that something I need to do elsewhere first?

This is how I understand how to attach a mesh to an actor right now, by writing this in the defaultproperties section of a Pawn or Actor:

Begin Object Class=StaticMeshComponent Name=BasicMesh
  End Object

From this I can tell that 'UN_SimpleMeshes.TexPropCube_Dup' is the actual object, and exists somewhere in the UDK folders. But if this is how I need to do it, which directory must I store my meshes and animations into? Is it always just a case of saving them there and attaching them like that?

Or, for a more precise question: do I need to use Unrealscript to attach a mesh to a pawn/play an animation at a certain sequence, and if so, what would such actions look like?

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