Confused and lost

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14 comments, last by Rezkon 10 years, 11 months ago

If you want to program a game you might want to concentrate on learning how to program first. Knowing "a bit of java and python and C++" wont do. Programming an entire game (even a simple 2D scroller) is very complex and requires a lot of knowledge of programming, math, graphics, not to mention all those little things like UIs, scripting, AI, managing assets, debugging, optimizing, etc, etc. Using an engine like Unity will help and reduces the entry requirements, but you still need to have a solid knowledge of programming.

Fair enough, what would you say is the best laguage to start with for the type of game i want to achive.

It depends on many things, but... considering you want to put the game on Android and already know some Java... I'd go with that. If you're going to use Unity, then maybe JavaScript might be the thing.

I'd concentrate on getting good with whatever language you choose. If you want to use an engine (again, like Unity) then you can even practice the language while also getting familiar with the engine and doing small projects... each dedicated to learning some small aspect of game development. I just wouldnt jump straight into trying to do a full game because it will be too much and will only make you frustrated and discouraged when you hit the eventual problems and realize how long it will take.


i understand what youve saying ive been following tutorials and stuff and somewhere something happends and it causes it to mess up being like the spite not showing or running or anything expect a pink thing, i guess i should learn more basic java script so i know how to fix those errors

i understand what youve saying ive been following tutorials and stuff and somewhere something happends and it causes it to mess up being like the spite not showing or running or anything expect a pink thing, i guess i should learn more basic java script so i know how to fix those errors

No. You will end up making errors. You should learn a language first, but you will run into issues while making a game. There's no way to guard yourself against that before you start. Dig into the one of the languages you listed, that you find most comfortable, and then get back to making games when you're feeling adept with making text based applications.

Sure, you could go with javascript too. You could do a browser based game. But first, start.

i understand what youve saying ive been following tutorials and stuff and somewhere something happends and it causes it to mess up being like the spite not showing or running or anything expect a pink thing, i guess i should learn more basic java script so i know how to fix those errors

No. You will end up making errors. You should learn a language first, but you will run into issues while making a game. There's no way to guard yourself against that before you start. Dig into the one of the languages you listed, that you find most comfortable, and then get back to making games when you're feeling adept with making text based applications.

Sure, you could go with javascript too. You could do a browser based game. But first, start.

Im talking in the sense that because i dont understand a language fixing simple bugs or that would be a massive thing due to what i know isnt enough, i might go with javascript for a bit considering im about to take up a programming course for studying, so i think i should grasp them then make a game with what i learn at school?

i understand what youve saying ive been following tutorials and stuff and somewhere something happends and it causes it to mess up being like the spite not showing or running or anything expect a pink thing, i guess i should learn more basic java script so i know how to fix those errors

No. You will end up making errors. You should learn a language first, but you will run into issues while making a game. There's no way to guard yourself against that before you start. Dig into the one of the languages you listed, that you find most comfortable, and then get back to making games when you're feeling adept with making text based applications.

Sure, you could go with javascript too. You could do a browser based game. But first, start.

Im talking in the sense that because i dont understand a language fixing simple bugs or that would be a massive thing due to what i know isnt enough, i might go with javascript for a bit considering im about to take up a programming course for studying, so i think i should grasp them then make a game with what i learn at school?

Yeah, that sounds like an idea. Or, if you find that you're really interested in learning to program, try making games in your spare time.

What I meant is that whatever you've got to work with should be sufficient to get started. Avoid procrastination, even if you're convinced you lack some important skills.

As long as you pick small, simple projects, and as long as it's "just" a hobby, you'll benefit from the practice. You start working with javascript now, and you'll be ahead of your class when it's in session.

i understand what youve saying ive been following tutorials and stuff and somewhere something happends and it causes it to mess up being like the spite not showing or running or anything expect a pink thing, i guess i should learn more basic java script so i know how to fix those errors

No. You will end up making errors. You should learn a language first, but you will run into issues while making a game. There's no way to guard yourself against that before you start. Dig into the one of the languages you listed, that you find most comfortable, and then get back to making games when you're feeling adept with making text based applications.

Sure, you could go with javascript too. You could do a browser based game. But first, start.

Im talking in the sense that because i dont understand a language fixing simple bugs or that would be a massive thing due to what i know isnt enough, i might go with javascript for a bit considering im about to take up a programming course for studying, so i think i should grasp them then make a game with what i learn at school?

Yeah, that sounds like an idea. Or, if you find that you're really interested in learning to program, try making games in your spare time.

What I meant is that whatever you've got to work with should be sufficient to get started. Avoid procrastination, even if you're convinced you lack some important skills.

As long as you pick small, simple projects, and as long as it's "just" a hobby, you'll benefit from the practice. You start working with javascript now, and you'll be ahead of your class when it's in session.

Im not quiet sure if i should stick with unity as a engine and just fiddle with it, or try to use a simpler engine for a 2d game and slowly progress with it, but im kinda confused because the java i know is basic.

So should i brush up my java skills for a while before even attempting?

Edit: i think im going to start with basic basic games like PONG, and that to get a grasp then edit some of it and change it around, and keep doing that till i feel im good with making my own game.

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