Games for Tournaments

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2 comments, last by Mathew Anderson 10 years, 9 months ago

I apologize if this is in the wrong area of the forums, but I had no idea where else to put it.

I have seen quite large followings and even entire tournament scenes spring up around the FPS genre, including Nexuiz and Warsow, Savage, Natural Selection and a few others, but I was wondering if anyone knew if the same happens for games made in other genres. I'm talking games that aren't made by big companies here, of course, so no Starcraft, but a game such as MegaGlest is the sort of thing I'm after. I'm not just looking at RTSs either, any and all genres are welcome, the only requirement being that they have a tournament scene, and be PC games.


SpyParty has intense 1v1 matches of subterfuge and psychological battle of wits, and has been played tournament style, and is a featured indie game of the hardcore Fighter Game tournament EVO (but wasn't a part of the tournament itself).

That is a real looker, I'm going to have to try it out once I clear out my harddrive. Do you know of any others?

No worries webwraith! We have been trying to bring in the tournament and LAN crowds more anyway :).

Mathew Anderson
Community Manager

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