Why Is Higher Education So Expensive In The U.S. ?

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39 comments, last by way2lazy2care 10 years, 9 months ago

Affordable is a relative thing.

I pointed out my own local inexpensive option with links above. Move here, attend WSU or UVU, pay about $15000 total before you get residency status, then pay about $12000 for the remainder of your schooling after residency kicks in. 4-years of education with a sticker price of under $30K. Since you are not independently wealthy your costs will be reduced by about $12000 assuming you qualify for Pell grants. That further reduces the out of pocket cost for a 4-year degree is about $15K. If you can keep your grades up, your out of pocket expenses will likely be reduced by another 30% at least due to scholarships, dropping it to about $10K over 4 years.

A lot of schools also do work grants, which essentially net you a $25/hour job when you consider the money you save. They also schedule around your course load and you can very frequently get free services out of it (ex. work in the cafeteria and get 2 meals a day for free).

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