i tried mingw, ogl, ocl, winsocks and android .. what else

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14 comments, last by fir 10 years, 4 months ago

In Chrome, you can also "enable download resumption" in the flags at chrome : // flags (without the spaces).


naaaah, i could try yet something... but got no idea what...

unity and udk would be nice to try but my downloading

posibilities (my connection is 130 MB/hour and disconnects

each hour) limits me - probably i will not manage to

download this... or there is a server for unity who support

continuing disconnecting downloads ?

The ability to resume downloads is based on your browser, and very rarely on the server hosting the file. Someone hosting files has no reason to intentionally disable your ability to resume a download, and they would have to intentionally disable it.

For Chrome, 2 seconds of googling suggests DownloadAll extension does what you need. For Firefox, I'm pretty sure it's built in by default. Or you could even get a download manager that is not even integrated into a browser if you wanted that for some reason.

tnx for info about browsers and resuming (my present opera 18 downloads not allow me to resume arter net is disconected

and reconected) i will try with firefox

On what you should do next, I'm going to stick with you should actually start a project and finish it. Why do you think it is useful to have a trivial level of exposure to a million different dev tools, but no real depth of knowledge in any of them? If you have a valid reason, maybe people can guide you on what to learn next. But this sounds like trying to learn how to use every single power tool ever created before you're willing to patch a hole in the wall with putty, a putty knife, and a piece of sandpaper.

i focused on the depth of projests under 1 environment last 5 years (!, one compiler one library nothing else),

(why do you try to enforce yr philosophy on me?, i do not get it),

Now as I said I need to try some/(want to try many) environments, When i get bored (and surely i soon will do) i will go back to depth coding then,

But now im searching what things can i setup and try in the shallow

(I agree that depth is the must in long run but thats quite different


How about learning Lua? It's a popular and lightweight programming language that's used extensively in the games industry. You can use Lua as a stand-alone language, or as an embedded scripting language in your C or C++ projects. If you wanted to extend this into something game-related, you might try LÖVE, a simple 2d framework programmed with Lua. The reference manual and Programming in Lua are good resources to start with.

If Lua isn't to your liking you could also consider Python (and PyGame). Again, a popular programming language that sees a bit of use in the games industry, and is also used extensively outside of games.

What about a functional language such as Haskell? You may not ultimately continue using your chosen language for production, but learning to think in a different way can be valuable even when working in a non-functional language.

You could also try Node.js. One of our members recently posted an introduction to setting up and getting started guide in his developer journal.

How about learning a flavour of assembly to get an idea of lower-level development?

Sticking with things and actually finishing a project is really good advice. You should of course do as you wish and learn whatever interests you, but at some point you'll have to choose something to stick with longer term if you actually want to get anything done.

Hope you like some of the suggestions. :)

- Jason Astle-Adams

How about learning Lua? It's a popular and lightweight programming language that's used extensively in the games industry. You can use Lua as a stand-alone language, or as an embedded scripting language in your C or C++ projects. If you wanted to extend this into something game-related, you might try LÖVE, a simple 2d framework programmed with Lua. The reference manual and Programming in Lua are good resources to start with.

If Lua isn't to your liking you could also consider Python (and PyGame). Again, a popular programming language that sees a bit of use in the games industry, and is also used extensively outside of games.

What about a functional language such as Haskell? You may not ultimately continue using your chosen language for production, but learning to think in a different way can be valuable even when working in a non-functional language.

You could also try Node.js. One of our members recently posted an introduction to setting up and getting started guide in his developer journal.

How about learning a flavour of assembly to get an idea of lower-level development?

Sticking with things and actually finishing a project is really good advice. You should of course do as you wish and learn whatever interests you, but at some point you'll have to choose something to stick with longer term if you actually want to get anything done.

Hope you like some of the suggestions. smile.png

much tnx i will probably try this

(my language of choice is c with assembly and pure system

programming but would like to look onto something more too,

got about a couple of 'free time' now)

i focused on the depth of projests under 1 environment last 5 years (!, one compiler one library nothing else),

(why do you try to enforce yr philosophy on me?, i do not get it),

The philosophy I'm trying to convey is that development tools are just tools. They help you do something you need to do. They get outdated quickly, so you need to be capable of learning to use the right tool quickly and adapt to any changes quickly. That comfort with learning to use tools is the point of telling new programmers to learn a bunch of random libraries and such. I think you've already mastered that skill, so I cannot in good faith suggest you stop progressing as a developer. Once you're comfortable with all the basic concepts and have all the basic skills, the next step is to actually develop software.

If you really don't feel like you can learn new tools as you need them, I guess search job posting for buzzwords and learn the tools involved in whatever the buzzword of the week is. I will absolutely stand by my belief that you are more capable than that, and are actually ready for the next step even if you are nervous about taking it.

Please understand when someone says you should work on a project instead of learning X, that is a vote of confidence in you. They are saying you are ready to handle a project, and you'll just learn X when and if you need X. Be proud of that.

i focused on the depth of projests under 1 environment last 5 years (!, one compiler one library nothing else),

(why do you try to enforce yr philosophy on me?, i do not get it),

The philosophy I'm trying to convey is that development tools are just tools. They help you do something you need to do. They get outdated quickly, so you need to be capable of learning to use the right tool quickly and adapt to any changes quickly. That comfort with learning to use tools is the point of telling new programmers to learn a bunch of random libraries and such. I think you've already mastered that skill, so I cannot in good faith suggest you stop progressing as a developer. Once you're comfortable with all the basic concepts and have all the basic skills, the next step is to actually develop software.

If you really don't feel like you can learn new tools as you need them, I guess search job posting for buzzwords and learn the tools involved in whatever the buzzword of the week is. I will absolutely stand by my belief that you are more capable than that, and are actually ready for the next step even if you are nervous about taking it.

Please understand when someone says you should work on a project instead of learning X, that is a vote of confidence in you. They are saying you are ready to handle a project, and you'll just learn X when and if you need X. Be proud of that.

I am not to much nervous (well i am a bit nervous when i am asking for

answer in specyfic or general question and some tall me "do not do that",

i know what i want to do, this kind of do not do that is useless (i call this "subzero value")) (disputing it is also useless)

After all youre wrong here i disagree, somtimes it is good to do nothing in

depth and just try the 'tools' to watch them out. As to developing fine things

it is much harder thing (I may only repeat , i got a bit of free time, new machine under the roof, i want to test some tools/ (setup some coding environments and check if its working )

You could also try Node.js. One of our members recently posted an introduction to setting up and getting started guide in his developer journal.

I looked at it (it was valuable advice becouse i am very far from www world and know about nothing about it except some basics of javscript ) but i did not get what it is...

maybe someone could explain a bit... is this some runtime that allows

you to write http servers in javascript language? What is its advantage?

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