Spark Rising - A Build + Battle Sandbox Game

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0 comments, last by johnmasterlee 10 years ago

So I guess I didn't update my previous thread often enough... and it was sunset! So here's to a new thread!


As an FYI - Spark Rising is an action conquest game. Or as we describe it: A build + battle sandbox game. You build things like Minecraft and then set things into big battles, creating your own battle scenarios. The game is current in pre-alpha and we're planning an early access release on Steam next month! It's been one harrowing journey as we went from Kickstarter, to being Greenlit on Steam, to being showcased at GDC. It's now about to reach public hands... hope yall like it!

Wanted to share our latest demo level, something we dub Gaiden 3: Titan Rising! If you see the screenshot sample below, you'll see what we can mean by "titan". It's a prototype boss we're playing with.
This demo is limited to one level, and you can't build anything. But it does give you a sense of how a battle scenario unfolds. All of this was created in-game, similar to how you would build something in Minecraft. Except that the purpose to build is ultimately to destroy:) And I should note, this is a pre-alpha build, so everything is very raw still.
As a refresher, our gaidens are one off demos we create as a way to testing new features in a contained experience. Based on feedback, some of the features may make it into the game, others won't. It's an interesting approach to just constantly releasing one update after another because it forces us to create a complete gameplay loop that someone can test. Even if the gameplay loop is very simple, we try to make sure along that path people can complete it. It also forces us to fix bugs early on, and avoid feature creep development which can result in a lot of features we gotta test at once, making it harder to discern what works and what doesn't, and how to fix it.
I can't say for sure whether this novel approach works just yet as we only been doing it several months. Ongoing, we're likely shifting towards a Kanban approach to agile development which suggests our sprint-like approach to making a Gaiden may get phased out.
If you want to download our previous Gaidens you can do it here, which we eventually shared publicly.
Wow... Spark Rising to date has been successfully Kickstarted, Greenlit, showcased at GDC, and now our moment of truth... we hope we made a game worthy of your attention! Or at least I hope I made a game that didn't suck so bad you would quit gaming all together.
In many ways, this is just the beginning, so I'm looking forward to the "real" journey ahead. So much of the feedback we been getting from fans has been quite honestly really impressive. Don't let anyone tell you that gamers are all just a bunch of trolls. Well... maybe we are... but even trolls got some good ideas!

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