StreamSDK Powered SNES (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV w/Online Multiplayer)

Published April 08, 2020

StreamSDK has unlimited use cases, but game streaming and the inherit feature of going online multiplayer with ease is a fun one!

In this case, we're running the Super Nintendo rendition of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from inside Unity on a PC and then playing it in online two-player mode from a Mac and another PC. Control data is routed from the clients to the server by checking a few boxes on the StreamSDKTransporter component.

This demo was drag and drop into the StreamSDK CarCloudcast and CarCloudController scenes. We simply dragged the content from RetroUnity into the Content Container, setup our Input manager, and had to write just a touch of code to override the default SNES emulator controls (in a Unity script) to leverage the StreamSDKCloudControllerMulti component.

This setup can actually play the entirety of the SNES library of games with voice and video chat easily appended. Fun stuff!

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