why does diarreha BURN?????

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55 comments, last by Apersonfromnowhere 21 years, 2 months ago
Is Gamedev the source of all answers? I get how people come here with wild tech support posts ("My computer won''t work, whats wrong?"), but now people seem to be posting medical support questions too (this one, munkies chest pains, I think there have been a few others).
quote:Original post by MH

... Quite literally, I might add...
New Forum Idea:
Ask Dr. Mario: Medical Advice from Game Developers you can trust

FAQ could look something like this:

Q: I have this problem where...

A: Walk it off
nick316: Hi everbody!

people: Hi Doctor Nick!

Honestly we should have a medical forum.
Then something at the bottom that says:
Gamedev.net is not responsible for any injuries
that happen when your're trying to cure yourself.

[edited by - nick316 on July 18, 2002 11:19:37 AM]
quote:Original post by Michalson
Is Gamedev the source of all answers? I get how people come here with wild tech support posts ("My computer won''t work, whats wrong?"), but now people seem to be posting medical support questions too (this one, munkies chest pains, I think there have been a few others).

There has a been a LOT of love related posts too, so here we go! Not just game development, but the answer to all techincal, medical, philosophical, and romantical question that you have, given that you''re a game programmer
quote:Original post by Michalson
Is Gamedev the source of all answers? I get how people come here with wild tech support posts ("My computer won''t work, whats wrong?"), but now people seem to be posting medical support questions too (this one, munkies chest pains, I think there have been a few others).

You see, I don''t trust doctors. They don''t trust me. They think: "He knows lots about computers. I know nothing. He scares me." And I think: "He knows lots about how my body works. I know nothing. He scares me."

So, after a half-hour staring contest, I usually leave and come back here for human body tech support questions.

quote:Q: I have this problem where...

A: Walk it off

My sides hurt...

quote:Original post by Ravuya
My sides hurt...

You''re dying, walk it off until you die.
quote:Original post by Ravuya
My sides hurt...

Sounds like a heart attack. You should find a closet or other unused space quickly, that way people will find you by smell.
quote:Original post by Michalson
Sounds like a heart attack. You should find a closet or other unused space quickly, that way people will find you by smell.

The trick to heart attack is to have it while you''re sleep or swimming.

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