How to Concatonate strings?

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6 comments, last by MetaKnight 21 years, 6 months ago
How do you Concatonate strings? like so Monkey + power = monkeypower
I believe in string.h there is a function called strcat() look it might be what you need.

Either that, or if you are using strstream, I think (but am not totally sure) you can do something like

string << "monkey" << "power";

What language?

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In C++, and how would i concatonate without using count, sopse i have a 3d text display in my program.

like this:
string3 = string1+string2;

  #include <string>using namespace std;string str1 = "monkey";string str2 = "power";string str3 = str1 + str2; // str3 == "monkeypower"str2 = "monkey" + str2;    // str2 == "monkeypower" toostr1 += "power";           // str1 == "monkeypower" too  


  #include <sstream>#include <string>using namespace std;stringstream ss;ss << "monkey" << "power";string str = ss.str();  

Do not use strstream.

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You can do it two ways without using cout (I think thats what you meant...)

strcat() (I forget the exact parameters...I think it''s something like: string3 = strcat(string1, string2) )

or you can do sprintf(string3,"%s%s",string1, string2);

(sprintf works like printf to a string)

(yes I think I meant stringstream, fruny knows what he''s talking about )

look at this
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