Creating a Map Editor for a FPS...(!)

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21 comments, last by nes8bit 23 years, 9 months ago
What does it take to make a good map editor for a 3d shooter engine for say, Quake3? Not using the actual Quake3 format, but using the Quake3 features and such. How do you make the map editor simple and powerful enough to make kick ass maps? How can you design a map editor for the artists and the end user? Please, keep it pseudoish if you''re gonna post code. ------------------------ Captured Reality
just have a top view, a side view, and another side/fron/back view and the most important, have a 3d view of the level. Make things simple (like texturing walls, floors, ect. take worldcraft for a good example (but it was still kinda complicated. who knows, maybe you could even use worldcraft, or another premade map editor).

Shrapnel Games
Well I figured that I will need to do the simple things like that, but I need to know how to do the interface and implement some cool features like Curves and such.

And about using another editor, I can''t use another editor. I already got a qED map file importer working, but qED doesn''t support Tubes and Curves. I also need to implement decals, scripting (Applied to each brush...don''t ask ), renderstates (ALSO Applied to each brush) and many other fun things!

Captured Reality
looks like *somebody* is having quake ambitions again...

- Pouya / FOO!!!

quote:Original post by nes8bit

I also need to implement ... scripting (Applied to each brush...don''t ask )
Why do you need scripting applied to each brush?
Animated textures or something? -
I said don''t ask! It''s actually optional for each brush so it won''t completely slow down the game. Most likely it will not be implemented.

Alright, it seems that this question is a little too hard. How about I change it a little? What features would YOU like in a map editor and how would you like the interface to be. Like moving around the map and such.

Captured Reality
I don''t know if it''s been done, but a 3/4 orthogonal view of the map would be nice... you could make all of the backwards faces semitransparent or invisible. It would be a lot easier to look around. -
I don''t think that''s been done yet, but that''s a great idea! In map editing you need to have different views, and as many different views as possible.

Captured Reality
Several features that a map[ editor must have in my opnion:

1. You have to have the ability to rotate the texture with the brush. Rotating textures manually to line up with a brush is a nitmare.

2. A 3d view that has wireframe, untextured polygons (diff colors so u can see diff brushes) and a textured option.

3. A GRID to line stuff up with.

4. Ability to save stuff like tables and rooms and other multi-brush items as prefabs to be used again and again.

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quote:Original post by terminate
1. You have to have the ability to rotate the texture with the brush. Rotating textures manually to line up with a brush is a nitmare.

Good idea. How would you recommend rotating textures? Mouse? Keyboard? Other?

quote:Original post by terminate
2. A 3d view that has wireframe, untextured polygons (diff colors so u can see diff brushes) and a textured option.

3. A GRID to line stuff up with.

Those were already going in there

quote:Original post by terminate
4. Ability to save stuff like tables and rooms and other multi-brush items as prefabs to be used again and again.

Good idea. Reminds me of qED.

Captured Reality

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