Tank Wars 3D Demo - Very early stage

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21 comments, last by wolfman8k 23 years, 7 months ago
Here''s a cool game I''m working on: http://www.geocities.com/wolfman7k/tankwars3d.zip (~100k) It''s sorta action strategy. Basicly you gotta defend you flag while trying to steal your opponents. Right now you can only drive around and build. But I''m working on missles now. Please download(it''s really small), and tell me what you think and also the framerate you got. Thanks, wolfman8k
It worked and could have been fun, but I got only a framerate of
1, just 1. If you could make it with Hardware acceleration it would probobly work perfect.

Anyway, keep up the good work.

"To some its a six-pack, to me it's a support group."

Looks good. I got 2 FPS on my machine so I couldn''t really play it.
What? What computer do you have? It should use hardware acceleration, because it uses openGl. Your sure that you have the right drivers? Do Nehe''s(nehe.gamedev.net) demos work with hardware acceleration on your pc?
yeah, i got 24 with framerate locked, and 60(fullscreen) and 85(windowed). the bpp setting might have something to do with the lack of acceleration of the other guys machines. try switching it to 16 or to 32. it looks like an amusing game. kutgw.
Wohoo, 200 fps!
I used my 3dfx card. It was 24 FPS for the limiter, 55 FPS, unlimited. Good game. Need any sound? Or an icon? I can help with that.
Pretty cool game there, 25 with the limiter, ~90 without. Keep on improving it!

It''s possible that your card doesn''t support 800x600x16 with hardware acceleration. If this is the case use the GREY plus and minus keys to change the resolution. (max is 1024x768 and min is 320x240).

MISSLES AND GRENADES ARE NOW FULLY FUNCTIONABLE! Download again! It''s really cool, now you can build a base and blow up your opponents. The only ESSENTIAL thing left is the powerups, + a million other little things(including one player mode(AI)).
I fixed up the explosions. They look really nice. You can still get the game here:


I also fixed up the readme file.

To DeShawn: Thanks for the offer. Maybe I could use some help with the sound. You can email me here wolfman8k@hotmail.com

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